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Jews and Jesus Ryan Friday, October 7, 2011


Some Jewish people put forth some arguments as to why Jesus was not the Messiah. This is one source of them:

You'll notice in this article that they say the word "virgin" in Isaiah 7:14 is a mistranslation of what originally just meant "young woman," and more reasons.

What is your response to this article? One of the shakiest things for me is trying to illustrate to people that Judaism is incorrect in its rejection of Christ as the Messiah. How can I better equip myself to support this?

Question Answered by

Dear Ryan:

Sorry about the delay in answering. Benjamin is in the middle of mid-term examinations.

In the website you referenced the follow are given as to why Jews do not accept Jesus.

Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because:

  1. Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
  2. Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
  3. Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.
  4. Jewish belief is based on national revelation

All four of these propositions are in error. Jesus did fulfill the Messianic prophesies, he did embody the qualifications of the Messiah, Biblical verses are not mistranslations, and Jesus is God who gave revelation to the world. The task is to refute each of these false assertions.

As for the argument over "virgin" or "young woman", a young woman is normally a virgin. This reminds me of the Ultra-Traditionalist who says the Vatican II Mass is invalid because it uses the term "cup" instead of "chalice". Earth to traditionalist, a chalice is a cup. Using either word hardly invalidate the Mass.

We must remember that the Jews are no longer in authority. They have absolutely no authority to interpret Scripture. The Chair of Moses ceased to exist when Christ died on the Cross. The ripping in two the veil in the Temple which ripped across the grain proves that the Covenant of Moses ended.  Then after A.D. 70 the Jews no longer have a Temple. It is a sad thing, the Jews no longer have a ritual means, according to their religion, to be forgiven since they no longer have a Temple.

The point is that Pope Moses and his successors on the Chair of Moses had came to an end and was replaced by Pope Peter and his successors on the Chair of Peter.

Thus, in a argument over interpretation, the current Magisterium has the final word.

The best Catholic website on this subject of Second Exodus. This is the website of Marty Barrack, a Jewish convert to the Cathoilc Church.

Also, here is a book by a Evangelical Protestant that outlines the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled and other information to prove the Christan faith. It is called Evidence that Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary