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Who is Tom Horn? Cait Sunday, May 27, 2012


I recently saw a post on Tom Horn in Facebook. He claims to know that Pope Benedict is the last Pope.

I don't like the fact that he seems to be anti-catholic as well.

Is he a nut case or just mislead?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Cait:

Tom Horn is a nut case. He belongs to a group of assorted nuts that seems to grow around the Southwest Radio Ministries, the "vatican" of nut cases.

The basis for Horn's assertions about the last pope come from the discredited St. Malachy's prophecies. These prophencies are a hoax and never written by St. Malachy. But, let us not confuse them with the facts.

In the neverending bigotry of anti-Catholics and also the sky-is-falling dingbats, there is little caring for the truth by these fear-mongers, but there a lot of caring about selling their box of nuts to unsuspecting, gullible, and vulnerable people who consume the contents and are poisoned by it.

I would advise ignoring this character completely, his websites, his DVDs, and everything about him, and his little dog too. These people are theological quacks. Pray that he and those like him repent and become actual Christians.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary