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Worthy to receive Holy Communion? John R. Monday, June 10, 2013


Bro. Ignatius,

Last Sunday, during the Homily that was given by our Pastor, he made reference to the fact that less and less reverence was being shown by the Congregation prior to Mass beginning. He also indicated an increase in loud talking between friends who have not seen each other since last Sunday. He then pointed out that reverence was not being shown to the Tabernacle, Altar, and that many were not even genuflecting prior to sitting in their chosen pew.

I was truly impressed that finally our Pastor had taken a stand on these issues. However, half way through his Homily, our Pastor mentioned the importance of receiving the Lord’s Body and Blood in Holy Communion and that the Church had recently changed its position saying, "we no longer had to worry about whether or not we were in a state of grace before receiving Holy Communion".

I could not believe my ears, I am at a loss and do not know what I should do. Should I speak to my Pastor, in a respectful way of course, regarding this matter? Or, shall I say nothing and assume that somehow I misunderstood what I thought I had heard, and wait to see if such a statement is made by him again?

God bless,

John R.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear John:

Sorry for the delay in responding. I have been in-and-out of the hospital for a cardiac issue.

If you heard the priest correctly, perhaps he has unintentionally mispoke, is confused, or is a loon, but his statement is a scandal and can cause people to commit sacrilege by receiving Our Lord unworthily.

You need to approach him and ask him kindly and respectfully if you heard him correctly. If you heard him correctly, then ask him to show you the Church documents that say what he says.

If he cannot prove his remark by documentary evidence from Church documents, and refuses to recant this grossly improper remark, then you ought to contact the Bishop.

Be sure to approach the priest giving him the benefit of the doubt. If you do need to contact the Bishop, be sure to be business-like and respectful in accurately reporting your conversations with this priest, and the priest's remarks.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary