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Homosexual Marriage Eric Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Seeing that soon the immoral and bizarre theory that people of the same sex can marry each other will be forced upon every state in the US, I am now wondering what will happen to the Church.

Will the Church be allowed to hold out against this? Could more "enlightened" clergy elect a pope who is open to allowing this false marriage?

It seems impossible, and yet it seemed impossible that the US would allow homosexual marriage.

What happens if the impossible happens and the Roman Catholic Church acknowledges homosexual marriage? Is that the end of the Church?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Eric:

Do not be afraid. It is not possible for the Catholic Church to change its teaching about marriage, about contraception, about abortion, about women priests, or any other infallible doctrine. No one, but no one, even the Pope, can change these teachings. The impossible is impossible when it comes to Church teaching. Jesus said that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church. Thus, these evil things from the very gates of hell itself cannot and will not prevail against the Church because Jesus Christ said so and Jesus does not lie.

Obama and is evil band of progressives are trying to force the Catholic Church to accept contraception and abortion in Catholic hospitals. The Catholic bishops of the United States have already stated that if the government tries to force their hospitals to do these things they will close all the Catholic hospitals (about 13% of the hospitals in the United States). The Catholic bishops said the very same thing back in the 1990s when President Clinton was trying to get through universal healthcare.

If the government would cancel all tax exemption from the churches who refuse to marry homosexuals, then so be it. That will mean that the people are going to have to give more money in donations so that the services can still continue and also have money for the tax. If the parishioners do not give more donations to cover the tax then churches will have to reduce their employees and/or their services. But, the Catholic Church will never capitulate to these evils, and indeed can't capitulate  on these infallible teachings. God would strike down any Pope who actually it attempted to do such a thing. But, what is more likely is that the Holy Spirit would bear down on that Pope and he would never go through with it. 

That actually happened in the sixth century the Pope Vigilius. He conspired with Empress Theodora to bring the Church in the Monophysite heresy. In 537 he was elected Pope under dubious circumstances. But something happened to Vigilius. He fully intended to bring the Church into heresy using his papal power, but when he sat in that Chair, the Chair of Peter, something came over him and he couldn't go through with it. He wrote a letter to Theodora saying that he was not going to execute their plan and that he had to uphold the teaching of his predecessors. Theodora was lividly angry and sent Vigilius into exile. He remained in exile until Theodora died. He was allowed to return to Rome, but unfortunately, died during the trip.

This episode was repeated in a lessor form with the Primate of England, the Bishop of Canterbury. St. Thomas Becket was elected to the position as the Bishop of Canterbury at the be heist of King Henry II. The King wanted his friend, Becket, to support him against the Church. But, once again, when St. Becket sat in that cathedral chair something came over him and he could not go through. St. Becket was martyred as a result.

The Holy Spirit protects his Bride against corruptions of faith. The Bride of Christ may undergo persecution, the Bride of Christ may have to go back in the catacombs, but the Bride of Christ will never capitulate on the faith and shall never be extinguished. No Pope will be allowed by God to actually change infallible dogma and doctrine. It will not and cannot ever happen.

If necessary, the Catholic Church in the United States will go underground, like the Church does in China. In China Catholic priests can be arrested for celebrating Holy Mass so they traveled from town to town offering the Holy Mass secretly and never celebrating the Holy Mass in the same place twice. If the persecution of the United States government, which would stem from a complete abandonment of the Constitution, which is happening under the Obama regime, then the Church would go underground.

There is no such thing as the end of the existence of the Church until Jesus comes back in the Second Coming and takes us home to heaven. Jesus promised that, but that does not mean that the Church will be an open institution. We may have to go back into the catacombs. That is okay. Like the old saying that we start out life in diapers and we end life in diapers, so the Church began in the catacombs, and the catacombs may be where we return until the Second Coming.

So, Eric, do not be afraid. Trust in God for his Bride, the Church shall never be extinguished and will be alive and well to meet the bridegroom when Jesus returns.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary