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Gluten Free Hosts Larry Monday, February 18, 2008


What is the Church's position on a child receiving a gluten free host and how is this handled with a priest who has to deal with Celiac Disease? Is a gluten free host invalid matter?


Deacon Larry

Question Answered by Mr. Jacob Slavek

Dear Larry,

Yes, gluten-free hosts are invalid matter.  So are rice wafers and anything else made with any ingredient other than wheat and water.

The USCCB has addressed this issue and has approved bread made by Benedictine sisters in Missouri.  Their hosts contain 0.01 percent gluten.  If someone is unable to consume even this amount of gluten, then they would need to receive Communion under the form of wine only.  They of course should be reminded that they still are receiving the same full blessings and graces of the Body and the Blood.

Once again, hosts MUST contain at least some gluten in order to be valid matter.

For those that may not know what gluten is:  it is a protein found in wheat and a few other grains.  When mixed with water it becomes elastic, which is what allows leavened bread to rise when used with a leavening agent such as yeast or baking soda.

Here are a few relevant links:

Mr. Slavek

Footer Notes: (a) A Eucharistic Minister is clergy (Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion). Laity are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and should never be called Eucharistic Ministers.

(b) There is no such Mass called the Novus Ordo. The Current Mass is the Roman Missal of 2000, or the Oridinary Form of the Mass. The Tridentine Mass is the Roman Missal of 1962, or the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Please refrain from using the term, Novus Ordo. Thanks.

(c) The titles of Acolyte and Lector belong exclusively to the Installed Offices of Acolyte and Lector, who are men (only) appointed by the Bishop. These roles performed by others are Altar Servers and Readers, respectively.