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Is she under any influence? Sarah Tuesday, June 30, 2009


My mother in law has started to stay with us. She being a widow is under the impression that her son has to look after us. Of course there is no problem in looking after her even though she is healthy to look after herself.

The problem is that, she is creating a lot of discord between my husband and me. Even when she was not staying with us, she was in constant touch with him and created a lot of problems.

When I confronted her, there was a lot of fireworks. In that confrontation, I realized that she did not care for her son and that she was after her son’s money. Her son listens to all that she says and the distance between us has only widened further. My question is, is she under any demonic influence and is it alright to ask Jesus to bind the influence she has on my husband.

Thank you for taking time. God Bless.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Sarah:

There is no way to answer your question. I would have to know a LOT more information to determine if ahy demonic influence is involved. We do not have to have any help from demons to be greedy, manipulative, crafty, or whatnot. We are perfectly capable of doing those things on our own.

However, if this woman is causing discord in your marriage, you have a right to protect the health of your marriage. It is certainly proper to pray for your mother-in-law that she would have love for her son and for you, that the Holy Spirit will inspire her to charity.

But, if nothing changes and your marriage continues to deteriorate, the mother-in-law may need to move out. The top priority for you husband is his marriage. If that means that mom has to move out to a retirement community or wherever, then that is what must be done, if that is what is needed to save the marriage.

The Commandment to honor our father and mother does not extend to tolerating abuse from our parents, or their interference with one's marriage. Along with honoring our parents, God also says that parents are not to exacerbate their children and treat them improperly.  There is a two-way street here. If the mother refuses to be what a mother should be and threatens the marriage, then she has to go live somewhere else. Your husband can help her financially, but that does not mean living under the same roof.

In the most severe cases, there are times in which we need to walk away from our parents if they are so destructive that our emotional health and marriages are threatened by their improper behavior and influence.

In such cases, we do not do our parents any favors by indulging their dysfunctional behavior. As we all must do, our parents must accept the consequences of their behavior and be held accountable for their actions. In extreme cases those consequences may mean the loss of fellowship or even contact with their children.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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