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Holy Spirit Experince Bobby Friday, August 20, 2004


I never would have believed what has occured in the last month had I not experincened it myself. On a boring everyday Wensday night service I recived the presence of the Holy Spirit. It was beyond anything I thought possiable. The power and energy that flowed through me was joy-bliss-ecstacy mixed with raw-vibrating-glowing energy which shook me so hard I thought I was going to fall off my seat. The intnese experince lasted for over 20 min.

I had to closed my eyes because the room became so bright(not painfully) that I could not see. Even with my eyes closed the light intensity was so bright I had to turn my head towards the ground.

At the apex of the experince I began to smell wonderful incense. I kept breathing it in because I loved the way it smelled. As I shook with almost too much energy. At that moment I understood that GOD was real. The HOLY SPIRIT was real. That when JESUS said he would leave his HOLY SPIRIT behind to comfort them...he meant all of us even to this day.

Gold suddeny appeared in my mind and at that moment I understood just how worthless it was. Money, power,people all of these things were worthless compared to the presence of GOD. Just to kneel in his presences was a joy beyond measure. At that moment everything I had prayed for and hoped for became real. Up until that moment I thought all of this was just a mental philosophy on how to live like JESUS. It wasn't real. Since then I have had 2 more intense experiences. Each of the 2 revealed 2 new and different things to me. I pray now everyday for the presences of the HOLY SPIRIT. But I do not recieve the presences of the H.S. each time. Sometimes, I receive nothing other times I receive peace in my mind and body.

I want a closer relationship with the LORD. I want more. How do I recieve a deeper relationship with the H.S.? How can I get closer to the Lord?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Bobby:

It sounds like God has given you a great gift in these experiences. What you need to do now is to put that grace into action. To find a deeper relationship with God is not about mystical experiences, it is about living the Christian life.

The mystical experiences can give us strength and aid our faith, but as St. James says, "faith without works is dead". The more you live for Christ in your everyday life the closer you will come to Him.

Involve yourself in daily devotions and prayer, but also involve yourself in Bible Study (the Bible is God's love letter to us), and in living the Christian life as best as you can. This includes loving and helping others.

Helping the poor, the infirmed, the sick and the hungry through donations to charities and religious organizations is a beginning, but it is also important to have some hands-on activities too. Perhaps there is a program in your area where you could volunteer to feed the poor, perhaps there are programs at your church, and just being a good Christian and a good neighbor, being the Boy Scout (helping old ladies across the street sort of thing). All these sorts of things are part of living the good Christian life.

In addition, of course, is to share your faith with others who ask you.

In short. Be a disciple, be a Christian in all that you do in your daily life. EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING can be done for the glory of God. Even picking up a pencil off the floor can be an act of prayer. Prayer comes not only in words, but in actions. Changing baby's dirty diapers can be a prayer.

The Saints teach us that every minute of our lives and all that we do no matter how great or small, each and every one of the actions what we do, can be a prayer offered to God.

It is living this full measure of the Christ-life that we will find a growing intimacy with Jesus.

For Catholics, added to this is the most intimate act of all -- receiving our Lord into our bodies through the Eucharist.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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