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words of knowledge stacey Friday, August 21, 2009


When I was in the charismatic movement, I received several words of knowledge from various people. Some of the information was true and right-on-the money and some was obviously very false. Often, I would get true words and false words coming from the same person at the same time. I question everything and this was one of the reasons why I left. If there is a mixture of both true and false information, then what is the source of this information?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Stacey:

Word of Knowledge is not what most charismatics think it is. They mis-define it. This, "God gave me a message for you" is not really the Word of Knowledge, nor is what you see with TV evangelists who say, "God has told me there is someone in the audience with a liver condition."

The Word of Knowledge is the ability to discover, know, and communicate deep spiritual Truths. In extremely rare instances, such as with St. Padre Pio, this gift may include the ability to “read souls” [1 Cor 12:8]. (See the article Charism Gifts Building Up the Church)

If someone was receiving information from God then that information would be 100% accurate all the time. From what you are describing about this person's "gift" I doubt very highly her source of information was God. At best the person was misinterpreting the messages since God can never be wrong. But, my sense is that this person is wrapped up in what most charismatics are wrapped into -- subjective emotional states that create these phenomena from their imaginations. At worse, the the person is getting the information from the devil.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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