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Attacked for battling the Devil? TJ Thursday, September 10, 2009



You mentioned in another post that if one battles the devil he may seek revenge and attack in a big way or small way. I do relize some of the saints were agressively attacked or even posessed at some point. However I have read all of Father Amorths books reguarding exorcisms and he said there is nothing to fear. So long as you live in Gods grace the devil is already allowed to do the most he is allowed to do and one should have no fear of reprisal. He mentioned your exact quote in he opposite context. He said some priests feel that if they leave the devil alone he will leave you alone. But he devil comes for everyone his is not true. So he says a priest should never fear reprisal he has never been attacked by the devil and is under constant protection. Is this because he is an exorcist? Or does this only serve priests who are exorcists? Should I fear taking upthe spiritual battle and agressively praying for family and those around me that I meet? I thought one of the saints said so long as you live in God"s grace fear nothing, no evil. She said what is stopping her from battling all of hell if God is with her. This seems counter to what you have stated. What should I think of his? Now assuming regular confessions and one is trying to lead a catholic life should I fear the spiritual battle?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear TJ:

There is nothing to fear. God does allow, however, demons to attack us sometimes. God will allow nothing into our lives that we cannot handle.

We are in war, a spiritual war, and in all war there is the chance of being attacked and even hurt. If this were not so St. Paul would not have told us to put on the armor of God in Ephesians chapter 6. Even Jesus was harassed by the devil. Thus, I think we might get some harassment too.

But, there is nothing to fear. Our God is bigger than the devil and as we learn from the story of Job, the devil can do nothing unless God permits it. And if God permits it, then bring it on, for there will be a reason for it and that reason is that God has something for us to learn from it, or to strengthen our faith, or teach us a lesson, or whatever.

Also, keep in mind that God cannot protect us from our own stupidity. We have free will and if we choose to do something stupid we will suffer the natural consequences of those actions. One form of stupidity is the pride that we think we are beyond devil's reach. Just by that presumption and pride, alone, we give the devil an entry point.

Be not afraid, as our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, of happy memory, said to us. But have a health respect for a rattle snake.

By the way, I do not remember Fr. Amorth saying that he has never been attacked. If he did say that, I think it was probably an exaggeration. I am sure he has been attacked. Since you did not provide the quote and which book and page number this was on, I cannot examine the context of the statement.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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