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Medujorge rosary beads TJ Friday, September 11, 2009


BrothehankYhank you for such a quick response last time. I have a rosary from medujorge (I may not be spelling that right) which has been blessed by my local priest. I did not know the church currently forbids pilgrimage there at the time. He didn't seem to mind blessing them though. Should I not use these to say the rosary? Even though they are blessed could it open me up to the devil should medujorge be considered evil? What has the church actually said about this and have you known anyone to have been attached to the devil from visiting there. Thank you again for your time.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear TJ:

Pilgrimages to Medjugorje are not encouraged by the Church. There are serious doubts about the validity of the visions.

Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with a rosary that comes from the site. There is no problem with you using it. I would not contemplate the alleged Our Lady of Medjugorje, since that vision may be false, but to use it as you would use any rosary is fine.

Many people have been blessed in going to Medjugorje, but is a loving God and He often blesses people anyway even if the place is false. The blessing comes from the people's faith and not from the place anyway.

With that said, there does seem to be demonic interference going on as evidenced by the lives of the alleged visionaries and all the fighting and discord at the Medjugorje site itself.

One of the primary priests at Medjugorje, Tomislav Vlasic, recently "asked the Holy See to be dispensed from the obligations of priestly ministry... because he does not want to accept the sanctions that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith imposed in 2008. These sanctions were levied because of reports about Vlasic regarding 'the diffusion of dubious doctrine, manipulation of consciences, suspected mysticism, disobedience towards legitimately issued orders and charges contra sextum [against the 6th Commandment],' that decree explains.

"The decree announced five sanctions, including the obligation to remain in one of the Franciscan houses, to refrain from contact with any of the Queen of Peace group, and to leave aside the care of souls, preaching, etc.

"...Vlasic did not acknowledge the accusations and therefore was unwilling to accept the sanctions." --

While this situation does not mean that the visions at Medjugorje are false, it illustrates the negativity and problems surrounding the alledged vision.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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