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Direction for Our Times messages David Saturday, September 26, 2009


Dear Brother,

I was wondering if you were familiar with the messages given to Anne at Direction for Our Times. The website for this group is:

I am finding these messages very compelling and almost too good to be true. Could God REALLY love us this much?



Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear David:

I pay very little attention to private revelations. None of them are necessary for the faith or for salvation -- even the approved ones. But, when the Church does approve a private revelation it at least can be known that it is genuine and that devotions deriving from it may be useful -- such as the devotions that derived from Fatima, Lourdes, etc.

This private revelation you ask about I have never heard of before. In looking it over, "Anne" apparently has her bishop's permission to print the messages she has allegedly received in locutions. That is a good sign.

The official investigation, however, only started this past June 2009, thus there has not been time for the Commission to make its report to the Bishop. If the report is favorable and the Bishop gives an official approval, then the next step will be at the Vatican level. The Holy See has the final decision on any private revelation, but only makes that decision after the private revelations have stopped.

I have not read the messages, but to remark generally on whether God loves us "that much", the answer is "yes". There is nothing that proves that more than Incarnation of God, the fully man and fully God, Jesus, and His passion, death, and Resurrection. Nothing Anne could relate from her locutions that could prove God's tremendous love more than that.

Thus, without knowing what these messages are, we can say without any doubt that God does love us "that much". God is love. He loves his children with a love that is beyond understanding and measure.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary




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