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Must we Listen to the Holy Spirit Joseph Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Dear Brother Bro. Ignatius Mary, In attempting to answer my questions you stated, " The Bible tells us that we "see through a glass darkly". We do not know everything, but we know what God wants us to know about Him and the Faith through his Public Revelation of Himself to His people. All other understandings and knowledge begin with the Public Revelation and can never contradict that Revelation. All other inspirations that He gives us personally through his Holy Spirit derive and begin with that Public Revelation and will never contradict it. It is this Public Revelation upon which all other knowledge and inspirations must be tested." I hope this time I have quoted you fully enough!

It seems to me as we "see through a glass darkly" that we are finite beings. We can not fully understand what God tells us otherwise we would be infinite beings as is God. It seems egotistical for anyone to believe that people in the past were revealed everything that we need today and that we have enough understanding to be able to react in the way God wants us to when the conditions of knowledge in the present are different. This is why we ever need the Spirit. There was a time in the Church that the centrality of man in the universe was taught even though it certainly was not revealed by God, but the Holy Inquisition was willing to threaten death to a great scientist who believed his own observations rather than the teachings of the Holy Church. This was a great mistake of the Church and the Church continues to make mistakes just because it is run buy finite men not God Himself.

I have more questions for you. Why did the early fathers of the Church believe that life began with the quickening of an infant rather than at the time of conception as is now taught? Why did a pope say that it was alright for a young woman that had been impregnated by a monk to have an abortion because quickening was not yet present? Finally could it not be that the Church today is not listening to the scientists of the day as they describe their observations? The Church obviously did not consider the copernican theory truthful even when it was proven by observation. Again there seem to be too many holes in your theories that God has revealed to us in the past in the past everything we need to know today to be faithful to Christ. Should we not listen to what the Holy SPIrit reveals through all the People of God today, yesterday and tomorrow?

Peace to you Brother,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Joseph:

You state on the QA submission form that you are a Catholic in union with the Pope. I do not believe you.

These questions are questions and comments that typically comes from Protestant anti-Catholics with their typical bigoted misunderstandings about the Church.

If you are truly a Catholic, which I doubt, you need to be re-educated on the faith. I suggest you read the Catechism of the Catholic Church instead of anti-Catholic blather.

Once you are educated, get back to me.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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