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Names Katie Friday, October 2, 2009


Dear Brother Ignatius,

I teach a class in writing and today when I called one of my students to read something, I said "Anastacia, could you read yours?" I was standing behind her when I said it and she turned around and said darkly, "You called me Anastacia...People who have called me Anastacia have all died. Other people either call me Stacey or Stace." She said her grandmother and mother both died and they always called her Anastacia. The whole class seemed to think it was very weird and I said that I didn't believe it and then jokingly called her Anastacia again to prove I didn't.

Even though I don't take it that seriously, I read about about curses on this website and was wondering if you think there might be something occult about this, or if they just died of old age and she's loosely associating the death of these people to the fact that they called her by her full name which she thinks has a so called curse attached to it.

Thanks for your insights.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Katie:

Most likely Anastacia is thinking superstitiously. If that her birth name, or the name her family calls her, then of course family members who call her by the name will die eventually.

It is not uncommon for this people to make things false connections. As the main motto in Science 101 says, "Correlation does not equal causation."

It is sad if she thinks her name is cursed. Her name is beautiful. It is of Greek origin meaning, "Resurrection." In Russian the name means, "she who will rise again." The name is in remembrance of Christ's glorious resurrection, and ours in Christ. Her name is also the name of a 4th-century Dalmatian saint who was martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian.

Perhaps you might tell her this. Maybe it will help her to know that her name is a very honorable and Christ-centered name.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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