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Luciferianism? kate Tuesday, August 24, 2004



I heard the Luciferian psychic/remote viewer Aaron Donahue [url deleted] on a radio program, and I cannot stop thinking about his words. I know that you have mentioned Luciferianism in past answers, but his concept is rather different than from what you have mentioned here.

Donahue believes that Lucifer is the extraterrestrial creator of humanity, and that he is our only hope to escape the destruction of our souls when the Earth dies. He also says that angels are evil meddlers who created the bible (and all other religious texts) to cause us to self-destruct.

I realize that this sounds far-fetched, and like an obvious lie from the devil, but I can't shake the feeling that Aaron Donahue is right.

I've reread his writings numerous times, and I feel that he is telling the truth. It's almost as if I can't find any fault with his Luciferian words.

Is this one of the Seven Stages of Spiritual Disintegration? What stage is it?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Kate:

Aaron Donahue is an obvious fruit cake and he does not take a different concept, he just repackages the same old demonic lies into a new box.

Lucifer create Man? and God's Angels are evil? My dear, how can you not see the lie?

You need to make a formal rejection of these notions, STOP reading the writings of Donahue, or any other Luciferians (why were you reading or listening to this nut ball in the first place?), and pray to God to be released from any demonic influence that is seducing you into these thoughts.

Since you ask if this is one of the Seven Stages, and from your words in this post, it is obvious to me that you know better in your heart. You must use self-discipline to walk away from these things and to return to God before it is too late.

In terms of the Seven Stages, it sounds like you are beginning to regress (Stage 1) to a less mature psychological and spiritual level. STOP IT NOW before it is too late.

We will be in prayer for you that you come to your senses and return to God.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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