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God vs Science Johan Monday, October 12, 2009


I want to thank you for making a few things clear for me. I do admit that the idea of God does scare the crap out of me. As a homosexual man, trying my best to live life as I think it right.

Science and God doesn't exactly go hand in hand and I do think more scientifically than anything else. I need proof before believing. Sure, I have seen my share of unexplained things and I do believe in a spiritual world. I also believe that there are life on other planets and that we have been visited many times by these beings. I also have no doubt in my mind that there is something bout the whole 2012 thing, it might not be the end of the world, but something will happen.

Thanks for the answers you have provided...

Kind regards


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Johan:

I am glad to here that you have been help in any way by our Q&As.

God loves you. You need not be afraid. God wants you (and all of us) to live righteously -- which means that you must live chastely. We will pray for you concerning this.

Concerning science and God: Actually science and God are a perfect fit. Proper science is merely an attempt to understand the mechanisms of God's creation. We must remember that the Catholic Church facilitated the development of the modern scientific method. The Church has its own science academy.

Contrary to popular opinion, Galileo was not chastised for his scientific theories, he fell into problems with his arrogance in asserting that his theories were Truth, contrary to the scientific community at the time. Then Galileo tried to play theologian.  If Galileo proposed his theories as theories, check his arrogance, and avoided trying to play theologian, it would have been a different story. Copernicus and Kepler did not fear any Church chastisement. Actually they feared chastisement from their scientific colleagues. Galileo did not prove his theory and thus could not assert it as fact. Also, I might add, Jesuit scientists were making the same proposals as Galileo at the time and they were not chastised. Galileo was victim of this own arrogance.

Without the Church, science would not have developed as it did.

There is no conflict between science and God. God invented science. The conflict comes when men who wish to deny God abuse science to try to avoid God. When scientists stop doing science and begin to abuse science to further their prejudices, then their "science" is not science.

But, speaking of science, there is credible science to suggest at least the possibility of intelligent life on other planets, but there is not one shred of credible evidence to suggest that any of those people, if they exist, have visited the earth. That is not scientific thinking. Such thinking is equivalent to superstitious thinking.

The same goes for the 2012 thing if that belief is based on things like the Mayan Calendar. Such is superstitious thinking. If we are to speak of a possible event in 2012 it must be based upon credible science, not speculative nonsense.

But, if you believe something big will happen in 2012, then I suggest you get yourself right with God before it is too late.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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