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Marcella, 'Theotokos',suicide and depression gianna Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Dear Brother,

I have read your postings to Marcella and the man who called himself "Theotokos" after our Blessed Mother.

I am thirty two years old and five months pregnant. I have fought double depression amongst other mental illnesses since I was 13. I am writing because I am so desperate. I have been in and out of therapy throughout the time I have mentioned, and more recently had been seeing a Catholic psychologist for a year and a half- almost every week. I have been on many, many different anti-depressants, and before I got pregnant- they were trying anti psychotics such as Zyprexa and Seroquil. I am currently on Celexa, one of the last medications in the supposed 'safe' category I can try.

I make a holy hour every day. I pray the morning and evening prayers in the Magnificat. I go to daily mass and attempt to offer my sufferings to God. I force myself to go to my Legion of Mary meetings, and sometimes I am able to get my work duties done for it. But I am sinking further and further into depression.

What I wish to know is, looking at Marcella's account and 'Theotokos' account, how do you know when the wounds you suffer are biological in nature; when they are gleefully taken advantage of by the bad angels; and when they are caused by the devil, permitted by God?

Please, please pray for me. I am so scared. My psychiatrist is now prescribing Abilify on top of the celexa, and if that does not work, she says the risks that I am running (being suicidal and miserable) are starting to outweigh the possible risks to the baby. I love this little baby very much and I think it deserves to have more than a mother who is so mentally ill. I feel terribly guilty for having to 'run risks' to his/or her's physical well being to treat myself.

I wish with all my heart I could go to Lourdes and ask for a miracle- because I am starting to feel like it would take a miracle to heal these wounds inside me. Again, I ask for prayers. Thank you for your answer ahead of time.

P.S. After I sent off my posting yesterday evening, I began to have doubts that I explained myself well and what kind of advice I seeking from you. The reason why I am questioning whether this depression/anxiety I suffer from is biological or spiritual or both is because ever since I converted back to the Faith, I have had tremendous trials. Some were supernatural in nature. I do not wish to write in detail on them on a public posting.

I have tried hard to follow the advice given to me by priests in the confessional. I have seen the local exorcist priest- the only priest in our diocese that has experience with demonic influences. Everytime I see him (which is only once a year), I have a terrible, terrible time explaining what goes on in my soul. Thus, I feel like I do not give him an accurate picture to discern what is going on within. He tells me to report anything unusual to the Church in confessional and leave it alone. I have always done this, no matter how repugnant. But I am in a great faith and hope crisis within myself.  A person who recieving the type of things I have supposedly received is humble, patient, peaceful and obedient. I can see clearly that I am none of those things. I do not feel that inner peace and joy that St. Teresa, St. Therese, Saint Faustina- all the saints!- speak of.

When looking at that Dominican Father's excellent description of demonic messages versus private revelations from the Divine, I see myself more on the list of what happens to those who are receiving false revelations. I do not know how to heal from these past four years. Like I said, I have seen therapists, doctors and psychiatrists. I have had two spiriutal directors- one who had simply moved and could not direct me, and the other who said he simply could not discern what was going on within me after six months, said he was too new as a priest to help me, and suggested a more qualified one. And that was that. THe priest whom he recommended would not take me on, and said I should have a director, but he could not think of any in this diocese that could help me. He suggested I look towards the younger priests and see if any were qualified. That vague advice was all I was left with.

Brother, all I can do is lay myself humbly at your feet and beg you to pray to God for me. It sounds as if you are not taking on any new clients. If there is anything I can say to you to beg you to prayerfully consider taking me under your wing, I would say it. But I understand that if you do not feel called by God to do it, then that is how it is and I must keep feebly struggling to find someone to help me. Please keep me and this baby in your prayers and pray that I find some light in my sufferings. God Bless.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM


I am so sorry to hear about your situation. But, Gianna you do not need to go desperately looking for someone to help you. You already have the Great Physician to help you. Trust in God and accept your disability and give it over to Him. This is called Abandonment or Surrender.

There may be a demonic element to your condition, I do not know, but especially if there is, deliverance cannot come unless you abandon toi God your life and the life of your baby.

You endanger yourself by this desperate searching. That is exactly what the devil wants you to do because in desperation the devil hopes you will eventually turn to someone that God does not want you to consult.

You need to follow the advice of your doctors (except for any advice you may receive from them to abort your child. Abortion cannot be done.).

Beyond that you need to trust in God. God promises in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for the good. God does not lie and thus we can trust that He will keep His promises -- even if that promise is kept in a way that we do not like. We can trust God to do what is best for you and the baby.

Because of the possibility of any demonic element I would recommend that you follow the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance and use the Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog both linked below. I would specifically recommend that you pray the Hedge Prayer for Protection on behalf of yourself and your baby. Also the Rebuking Particular Spirits. For example, using that prayer, rebuke the spirit of depression and suicide and ask God to replace those spirits with the Spirit of Joy and Life.

Also, I recommend the follow exercise on Abandonment/Surrender:

Christian Resignation as a Prerequisite to Freedom and Victory in Christ

When we are desperate and hanging on for dear life, it is difficult for God to help us. Sometimes we must let go and then God can help us.

There is a story told about a man hanging onto a branch off the side of cliff. He cries out to God for help as the branch is breaking and he will fall to his death.

He cries out but no one answers. He cries out again, "Lord save me, the branch is breaking and I will fall to my death." No answer.

He cries out a third time and this time God answers him. "Is that you Lord?" the man asks. "It is I your Lord," God answers. The man pleads with God, "Lord, please save me. The branch is breaking and I am about to fall to my death."

God answers, "Son, let go of the branch."

The man thinks a minute and then looks up to heaven and says, "Is there anyone else up there?"

The moral of the story is that if we hold on to the branch we will fall. Instead, we must let go of the branch FIRST, and THEN God will catch us.

You need to let go and offer yourself to the Lord. Praying and adoration will not help you unless you let go and let God, let go of your life and your baby's life and give it to God in total surrender.

You will be surprised what God can do for you if you do this.

We will certainly be praying for you. I will alert our special Spiritual Warrior Prayer Team to pray for you.

God loves you, Gianna and your baby. Trust in Him.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.