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Miracle Night of Healing(?) Kayla Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Dear Brother,

I wrote previously about attending a charismatic prayer group, and that I stopped attending because of strange things going on there. Now the same people running this prayer group are having "Healing Masses" in our diocese and it is advertised as a MIracle Night of Healing. It promises healing and deliverance from illnesses and all sorts of bondages. I really do not think this sort of thing is in keeping with our Catholic faith. Am I wrong? If not, what can I do ( or should I do anything)?

Yours in Jesus and Mary,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Kayla:

Well, technically, there is no such thing as a "Healing Mass." Some Charismatic priests do violate Liturgical Law by performing "healing" during the Mass. Most priests, however, pray with people, anoint them, and lay hands on them (the healing service) after Mass.

As long as the healing service is not during Mass, there is nothing wrong with praying for healing and deliverance. Often the charismatics are "over-exuberate" and presumptuous about these things, even superstitious at times, but a Prayer and Healing Service, if not during the Mass, is not a problem in-an-of-itself.

For those who have demonic bondages, however, this sort of "deliverance" service is inappropriate in my opinion because one needs to interview a person who has demonization problems and counsel with them over a period of time and not just pray over them. It can even be dangerous in some cases to merely pray over them without doing a counseling process.

The Sacrament of Anointing is often done by Charismatics Priests during these "healing services" for just anybody who present themselves. This is an abuse of the Sacrament and violates canon law (CIC 1004). The Sacrament of Anointing is only to be performed for those in danger of death "by reason of illness or old age". The Sacrament is not to be administered merely because a person is ill. Obviously, therefore, the priest needs to know the condition of the person as to make a judgment on whether or not the Sacrament is appropriate, and not just administer the Sacrament to anyone who comes forward.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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