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Battles of the Angels Joe Tuesday, October 27, 2009



I was contemplating the other day he mysteries of the battling of the Angels. Father Corapi once said a Saint wrote that God allowed him to see the heavenly battle for a brief momen and it scared him so much he asked God to promise never to show him again.

My question is rather difficult to ask because it is so multifaceted and probably to mysterious to answer. You have a good knowledge base I do not have so maybe you can shed some light on it for me.

Okay so basically I know God is all powerful and the angels had to throw the demons into Hell. Satan fell like "lightning" Jesus said. I guess what I'm trying to say is well if God is standing with a person and is protecting him from evil. NOTHING can happen to that person unless God allows it. But yet the angels seem to have to battle constantly around us.

If the devil must ask permission to bother someone why don't the angels get that protection?

Furthermore my guardian angel is the lowest choir of angel. How does he (or she if they have sexes) battle all of Hell to protect me?

Why are battles necessary if God must allow everything to happen. Is my angel vigilant and constantly watching over me ready to fight, or does God simply tell him he has to let me be tempted and such. Does this mean my angel does or does not know if he will be successful in his battles for me? Can he be wounded then? How is a battle won? I know these things are really unanswerable. I feel silly for asking as well. But I wonder what you have read or have thought about on this subject.

Thank you for your time, I will pray for your protection as I'm sure you aggrevate truly evil people who may visit here. God bless.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Joe:

Sorry for the long delay in answering your question. The Q&As have been offline since the beginning of November.

There is nothing in the universe that happens that God does not permit. All things that happens, good and evil, He permits. This is called His "permissive will."

The Angels have to best protection of all -- they are in the very presence of God, in the beatific vision, at all times. Even when your Guardian Angel is standing right by your side, your angel is also in the presence of the beatific vision at the same time.

Demons cannot hurt angels. The battles are battles of spiritual warfare over souls. Demons attack people and places. Angels are tasked by God to battle the demons, that is, to protect people and places, against the wiles of the devil. But, angels are limited by the free will that every human possesses. No angel or demon can violate anyone's free will. Even God will not violate a person's free will. Thus, the task of the Angels are complicated by the fact that we choose to not cooperate with God's will. Neither angels or God will force us to cooperate or do the right thing.

Angels are spirit. They have no body, no biology, and thus are neither male or female. Gender is a function of corporeal beings.

Your Guardian Angel protects you primarily through inspirations. That is, they inspire and encourage you to love God and your neighbor, and give you inspirations to lift your soul to God and to live a good Christian life. Sometimes, when God permits it, Angels may do something physical, like prevent you from falling over a cliff. There were many people who likely were inspired by the Angel to not go to work on 9/11 when the Towers were destroyed. My own daughter magisterially overslept on the morning of the Oklahoma City bombing. She was awaken by the sound of the bomb. Had she awakened on time she, and my newborn granddaughter, would have been killed in the bombing since she had an appointment at the Federal building at the very moment the bomb exploded.

It is likely God, or her Angel, gently allowed her to sleep to save her and my granddaughter's life.

Our angels can also be instrumental in protecting us against demonic attack. They do this by blocking the demons attempts to harass us.

Angels cannot be injured, or killed. Neither can demons. Angels and demons are spirit and have no bodies to hurt or kill. They are eternal beings.

God and His angels always win the battle, with one exception. We, ourselves, can prevent God and his angels from winning the battle over us. We do this by choosing sin, giving in to temptations, ignoring God's teachings through the Church, not participating in the Sacraments, etc.

In otherwords, our free will, our ability to choose wrongly, can stand in the way of our Angel successfully protecting us because our Angel cannot violate our free will. Our Angel cannot force us to the right thing. But, they can try to inspire us, encourage us, and to facilitate our choosing the right thing.

Nearly all of the troubles we get into are brought upon us by our own choices, not by the devil or the world. It is our own behavior that gets us in so much trouble.

I suggest you get a book by Peter Kreeft called, Angels and Demons. This book will answer most of your questions about Angels.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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