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car wrecks stacey Sunday, December 20, 2009


I mentioned in my older posts how I experienced oppression and spiritual attacks several years ago. My life has for the most part become very peaceful.

During this previous period of oppression, I experienced car wreck after car wreck and had several dangerous near misses. I've been in a hit and run, totalled one car after being hit by 2 vehicles, one which was travelling 60 miles an hour when it hit, and have hit several deer. None were my fault. This doesn't even include the countless fender-benders I was in during that time. I had a very clean driving record prior to all of that.

The concern I have now is that I am constantly having many near-misses on the road. I was almost hit head-on today. I am always attracting nasty, aggressive drivers. I've had people actually try to run me off the road. It's to the point that I'm almost afraid to drive. Do you have any advice from a spiritual warfare perspective? Are there any prayers of protection I can pray? This seems to be the only bad thing that is still occurring, everything else is fine and I am doing well otherwise.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Stacey:

Excuse the long delay.

This could all be coincidence, but to be on the safe side I would advise having your car blessed. In addition, I would advise praying the prayer of "Breaking Spells and Curses" found in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog linked below. Also in the Catalog is a prayer to "Rebuke Particular Spirits." In this case you can rebuke the spirits of road hazards, driver errors (yours and others), and other spirits you think may be involved.

Then, each time you get into your car pray a little prayer before driving, such as:

Dear Heavenly Father, grant me steady hand and watchful eye, that I may drive safely and that none are hurt by my driving. It is You, Lord, who gives life. I pray that no act of mine disturbs or takes that gift from anyone.

Protect those, Lord, who travel with me and all those on the road from highway dangers and all anxiety. Keep me and all drivers from drowsiness and from excessive speed, protect my car and all those others on the road with me from all mechanical problems, road hazards, driver errors.

I pledge to drive with loving concern to my every destination offering each travel hour and each trip to Thee in a spirit of reparation. Dear loving Jesus, my auto Companion, have mercy on me. Amen.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.