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My friend Bubba James Jim Thursday, December 24, 2009


Dear Brother,
A friend of mine whom I haven't heard from in 15 years got in touch with me and I was so happy. Then he started talking in riddles. I can't even say what it is all about other than he thinks he's in conversation with God and I'm guessing God is him to go out and fight the good fight, to what extent I have no idea.

At first I agreed with him, but only just now realized he's disturbed. I sent him to this website and he posted a question here, that wasn't really a question. I've told him to beware that what he thinks he's hearing probably isn't coming from God. I also mentioned to beware this personal activism. Judas was an activist. This was his reply to me, this on Christmas eve:

All f------g words jim. Do you want to fight at the side of elijah? Yes or no. If it is no. Don't ever call me again and go burn in hell. If it is yes then email me one word yes and you will be restored. Then go fishing my little brother."

Nothing in his emails were unequivocal, which to me wreaks of Satan. I hope he is not under any possession or obsession, but I think he could be. You answered his post.
Please pray for him.

What a horrible thing to have what was a long time friend email this to me. I'm a devout Catholic and observe all the sacraments and Church teaching. He is a lapsed Catholic who is following his own sense of Christianity. I don't even think it's Christianity. In all of these emails he never once mentioned Jesus Christ.

Hope you are well and Merry Christmas. May satan get behind us on this Holy day of celebration.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear James:

I am sorry to hear about your friend. Your instincts are correct -- his manner and words are not Christian and are in fact quite uncharitable. This is not the Spirit of Christ.

I would pray for him. If you have an opportunity to talk to him about returning to the Church, do so, but it sounds like he does not want to listen. Arguments are counter-productive. Remember, it is not our job to convince anyone. Our job is to present the message; the Holy Spirit does the convincing. If he does not want to listen there is nothing you can do about that.

Thus, prayer may be all you can do for him, but prayer is the most important thing anyway. Continue to pray for him permanently even if you never hear from again.

If you wish, you can also encourage him to email me, or leave a message on our voice mail with his email address, so an appointment can be made to talk to him.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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