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Illness Mary Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Dear Brother,

Is it possible for the devil to use a weakness such as physical illness to influence your behavior?

Thanks and God bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Mary:

Yes, it is possible. Illnesses can reduce our ability to be alert to the devil's schemes and increase our vulnerability to spiritual things. In times of great illness Saints have had profound spiritual experiences. In times of great illness sinners have fallen to the devil's influences and harassments.

Demons are often hitchikers and opportunist just look for an opportunity to exploit. Just as illness can effect our mood and behavior in nature ways, it can effect our spiritual health also. We are whole creatures -- body, mind, and spirit -- what effects one, can effect the others.

It is very common for a person to fall into sin when he is fatigued. Demons can take advantage of this fatigued state to do their business on us.

In the Bible we find instances where the devil has caused illness. Two quick examples, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.

The most famous example is in Job 2:4-7

Then Satan answered the LORD, "Skin for skin! All that a man has he will give for his life.  But put forth thy hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face." And the LORD said to Satan, "Behold, he is in your power; only spare his life." So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD, and afflicted Job with loathsome sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.

Another example where Jesus cast out a demon and healed is in Luke 13:11-13

And there was a woman who had had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years; she was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. And when Jesus saw her, he called her and said to her, "Woman, you are freed from your infirmity." And he laid his hands upon her, and immediately she was made straight, and she praised God.

It important to do the best we can to protect ourselves in times of illness. God understands if we are too physically or mentally weak to do the devotions or prayers we might usually do. Sometimes we may be so fatigued or depressed that we cannot seem to even say a full "Hail Mary".  In those instances, just a the words "Hail Mary" can suffice if that is all we can muster. The Holy Spirit will finish the prayer for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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