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Appriations sarah Friday, January 15, 2010


Have you ever noticed somthing pictures of appriations of Our Lady from all over the world. In some of the pictures her feet are showing, and in others her feet are covered by her dress. I was wondering could it be that in the pictures not showing her feet, for instance Medjougre, that mabey under the dress there are in fact hooves. I think, (now I might be wrong,) that in the picture of Our Lady of Fatima her feet are showing, same with Loureds.

My question is, In the appriations that are real she shows her feet, and in the appriations that are from the devel her feet don't show because they are hooves, so the dress covers up the hooves? What do you think.

Thanking you Brother,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Sarah:

I would advise against such speculations as they will get you in trouble. There is absolutely nothing that I know about to backup what you are suggesting. Given that one should not make such speculation as it is flirting with blasphemy.

Mary is depicted in many ways.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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