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Can the devil hear our silent prayers Jan Thursday, September 2, 2004


The other day, I read a question about this (I don't recall the title), and your response was "no" the devil cannot read our thoughts, and our silent prayers are safe. I have just gone into the archives, and I read another question/answer regarding the same subject with an entirely different response. QUESTION from Roger on December 16, 2003

Please - which is it? Can the devil read our minds and hear our silent prayers to God or not?

To me, being able to read our minds and hear our thoughts is paramount in the devil's ability to turn us away from God and turn us to him. How else would he know whether or not he's succeeded in his goals?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Jan:

You have misread the December 16, 2003 post. One of the subjects of that question was concerning a person who had unwanted thoughts. This has nothing to do with "reading thoughts."

The devil CAN plant thoughts in our minds even though he cannot "read" our minds. I can plant thoughts in your mind and I certainly cannot read your thoughts.

I am planting thoughts in your mind right at this moment. My thoughts are entering your mind as you read this. Everybody can plant thoughts in anyone's mind.

Everytime a woman dressed in an immodest way walks by a man, she is planting "thoughts" and temptations in the man's mind.

Depending on your disposition, I might even cause you not only to think about, but to sing the melody for the rest of the day, by suggesting to you: "Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya"

We all plant thoughts is other people's minds every single day, but this has nothing to do with "reading" thoughts.

The devil, nor the angels, can read our thoughts. It is not necessary for the devil to read our thoughts to turn us away from God. A gang can influence a teenager to turn away from God and they do not read thoughts. We can be convinced by a friend to indulge in a sin and they do that without reading thoughts.

As for how the devil knows he has succeeded -- by our actions. Thoughts that lead us away from God do not just stay hidden in the mind. Thoughts are expressed in ways that are observable. If we are away from God that is a observable condition that the devil or any perceptive person can see.

Only God can read our thoughts. No one else can, unless God gives permission for an angel, or a person, to do so.... but that is extremely rare. If there is information God wants the angels or a person to know about the thoughts of another, rather than granting the angel or person the ability to temporarily read that person's thoughts (which is intrusive), God would more likely just tell the angel or the person what they need to know in what some people call a Word of Knowledge.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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