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my child scared all the time? Is he being attacked? joslyne Friday, January 22, 2010


My child is 5 years old he is always scared during the day and especially during the night. He comes running to our bedroom. He always thinks someone is there to grab him?

Is he being attacked by the evil one?

He is so bad that i am seing a psychologist because he will not stay with anyone or he didnt like going kinda alone last year. I had problems with him parting from me. He starts prep this year and i am afraid that he wont be able to go to school alone... i have started to say the St. Micheal rosary when i can, tell me dear brother, what else should i do? thank you for your time.....

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Joslyne:

There can be many things that contribute to your son's behavior. It is good to talk to a psychologist about it to discover if there is anything psychological going on.

On the spiritual side, it is possible that he is being harassed be demons. It does happen.

I recommend the following:

1) teach him about his Guardian Angel and that his Angel is with him all the time to protect him.

2) pray with him a bedtime protection prayer, as part of this bedtime prayers, such as this one (there are many others):

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Bless the bed I lay on
Bless me and protect me as I lay me down to sleep
I give myself to God to keep
Four angels over the spread.
Two at the corner, Two at the head
He's the branch, and I'm the flower
God send me a happy hour. Amen.

3) after all bedtime prayers are finished, end with a blessing, which can be done any time of day repeatedly, by making the sign of the cross with holy water on the child's forehead and pray, "May the Lord bless you and give you peace."

4) get a CD called Sleep Sound in Jesus by Michael Card.  This CD is a collection of lullabies, but is good for older children and for adults. It is truly anointed and is very effective in keeping demons away. Just play the CD all night long in the child's bedroom with volume low so as not to disturb sleep. The singing of these Godly lullabies tends to keep the demons away. This CD can be used throughout the house. Play the CD low to that it blends into the background and it tends to reduce tension in the house, tension and irritability between spouses, parents and children, and generally brings a sense of peace. There are no guarantees, of course, but we have found this CD to be very effective.


Try these suggestions and see if it helps any.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.