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reading thoughts Jan Thursday, September 2, 2004


Boy, did you answer fast! Thank you!

I didn't ask my question properly. In the archives, the person said that every time he tried to pray the Rosary or meditate on the mysteries, he had impure thoughts about Mary. What I want to know is how Satan knew he was praying the Rosary or trying to meditate on the mysteries without being able to read the person's thoughts.

If I pray the Lord's Prayer right now and began to think of really nasty things (which does sometimes happen to me while I'm praying the Rosary, as well), how am I to be certain that Satan isn't reading my thoughts otherwise, how would he know enough to jump in and harrass me at that precise moment? What would be the most effective thing to do? Disturb someone's prayer time with impure thoughts comes immediately to my mind.

Can you tell me where it is written or what proof there is that no one but God can read thoughts? If a person doesn't speak and cannot read or hear, that person can still be harrassed by the devil. That person can still be evil in his thoughts. If a person is a paraplegic, that person can still be evil in his thoughts even though he shows no outward movement. How would Satan know he has succeeded without reading the person's mind?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Jan:

:), I happen to be online right now and say your posts coming through.

It is rare that anyone would pray the Rosary completely "in the head". All the devil has to do to know one is praying the rosary is to observe the person.

Even with silent "in the head" prayer, one's body language will give away the fact that one is in prayer. In fact scientific studies have shown that when one says a prayer silently to themselves, the larynx STILL make tiny micro-movements. The devil can easily see these micro-movements.

Again, the explanation to all this is OBSERVATION and INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE. The devil knows us better than we know ourselves and thus he can recognize subtle body language in us that no one else may notice.

We reveal nearly every aspect of ourselves through body language. This is one reason why so-called psychics can sometimes accurately guess things about us. Our body language allows an observant person to read us like a book almost.

The only God and the Angels have greater skills of observation than the devil. He can read us like a book, not because he reads our minds, but because he can read our body language, our moods, our actions, etc. and read them with profound accuracy.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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