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St. Michael prayers Jane Friday, February 5, 2010


Hello Brother Ignatius,

I have come across several different prayers to St. Michael. Is the "long" version of the traditional St. Michael prayer really okay to say? I found a reference to it on Human Life International's website that suggested it is okay to recite (see

Also, I have read several questions on this forum about a prayer starting "Michael of the morning...". I think they may be referring to this prayer, rather than the G.K. Chesterson poem:

Michael, Michael of the morning
Fresh chord of dawn adorning,
Keep me safe today,
And in time of temptation
Drive the devil away. Amen.

Best wishes,


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Jane:

The St. Michael Prayer posted on the Human Life International website is the "long version", it is merely "longer" than the standard prayer that we are use to.

The truly long version of the St. Michael Prayer is an exorcism and is prohibited under most circumstances for it to be prayed outside of a solemn exorcism.

The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in a declaration, Inde Ab Aliquot Annis (On The Current Norms Governing Exorcisms) written by then Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, states in paragraph 2:

From these prescriptions it follows, therefore, that no member of the Christian faithful can use the formula of exorcism against Satan and fallen angels, extracted from that which was made law by Leo XIII, and even less are the able to use the entire text for exorcism. Bishops are to bring this to the attention of the faithful as it is deemed necessary.

The shorter versions, both the one most people know about, and the slightly longer one posted in the Human Life International site are acceptable for lay use.

As for the "Michael in the morning..." prayer I have never seen it. Nice little prayer for children.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary.

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