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possessed children linda Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Is it true that a child becomes automatically possessed when sexually abused? If so, what should be done with this child (i.e. should holy people shun this child and is this child destined for a life of solitude?) I'm confused.

Thank you. I also read that lonliness can cause possession and that's because of imaginary friends? What's the difference between imagination and an evil imaginary friend? Is all imagination wrong? Thank you, again.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Linda:

No one is "automatically" possessed. Those who have been sexually abused, whether child or adult, can sometimes experience a "transference" of a demon from the rapist to them. This does not, however, automatically mean possession. Most of the time, when it happens, it means various levels of demonic harassment and oppression.

No one should be shunned because they have an affliction. This would be a non-Christian thing to do. Anyone, with any affliction, physical, mental, or spiritual, needs to be assisted and helped.

In the case of those who are demonized, but not possessed, a deliverance counselor like myself may be able to help. If a person is possessed then they need a solemn exorcism conducted by the Church.

Loneliness does not cause possession. I do not know where you are reading these things, but I think you and everyone needs to be careful what you read on this subject. There is a lot of nonsense out there.

Children sometimes have "imaginary friends". These "friends" may be solely their imagination, or the "friend" may be their Guardian Angel, and in a few cases, the "friend" may be a demon.

When demons masquerade as "friends" they will eventually do something abusive or say something abusive or contrary to Church teaching. A Guardian Angel will never do that.

If an older child, a teenager, or adult has "imaginary" friends, then the problem is most likely psychiatric or the person is messing with the occult. Again, the same test applies -- a demon will eventually do things abusive or say things abusive or contrary to Church teaching.

Imagination is not wrong. Imagination is a gift from God, but imagination must not be an end to itself. It it is used to escape from the problems of this world, then we risk psychological illness. Imagination needs to be of a kind that does not offend God, or act against Church teaching. Many of the so-called role-play games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, stimulates the imagination is a way that is dangerous and even evil. Christians ought to stay far away from such "games" of imagination.

St. Paul said that we are to "take every thought captive to obey Christ" (2 Cor 10:5b). This includes imaginative thought.

Thus, imagination is a great thing as long as we avoid that which harms us, and that which would offend God, that which leads us to sin.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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