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Visitation Terri Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Brother Mary I need your advise about what occured to me. About two months ago i was asleep. Around 2;30 to 3:00 am I was awaken by a presence in my room. It was a little girl. I could see her in 20/20 vision. (In real life I am visually impaired and have been legally declared blind). This little girl was just looking at me and she caught me looking at her in which she then did a shy-motion with her left arm. She brought it to her face covering her eyes. Any shy little girl would do. I was fully aware that she could not have entered physically because my doors were locked. I was at peace during this visitation. I then took my blessed St. Benedict cross I had around my neck and said to the little girl/praying to my self that if she was not sent by God that she must leave in the name of Jesus Christ. At that point I simplyturned around and resumed my sleep. I did not look around to see if see had left. My soul was filled with unspeakable peace.

I turned this experience in my mind a few days but then I decided to ask my diocesan priest friend who also happens to be the diocese exorcist where I live. He said that probably it may be someone from purgatory. God allowed her to come to you so that you could pray for her.

I also mentioned this to two other strong catholic friends in which they said that probably that little girl died there.

This is where I could use your advice. Thank you
The Lord be with you.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Terri:

It is very possible that this apparition was a girl from purgatory. In that case your priest is correct. When these things happen we ought to pray for that person.

As for the child having died in that house, that is a shear speculation that has no basis in reality (unless there is more to the story to give some objective indication that the girl was somehow tied to your house or bedroom).

I think it is obvious that when God allows a purgatorial "ghost" appear to a person He will allow this when the person who sees the apparition is open to praying for person in purgatory. The person who lives in the locale where the person died may not be be open to this. Thus, the girl may have been from Paris or Moscow or anywhere.

Such speculation is not needed. The point of God allowing a person from purgatory to appear to you is to inspire you to pray for that poor girl.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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