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help with work situation Mary Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have worked for many years with a woman who is lazy and highly manipulative. She frequently gets her own way no matter who else suffers. I find I am getting increasingly angry and frustrated, as she can get sympathy from other people, and can change her behaviour from bully to hard-done -by victim in a flash. I am forced to bite my tongue as my own job is not too secure at the moment. I know I am being a bitch, but there have been times recently when I have found myself wishing that she could get the sack, but unlike me, she is far too smart to be caught. I also know I am being un-christian but would be grateful for any advice or help.

Would you please remember me in your prayers as I am in very real danger of losing my job. P.s. would you please pray for my friend June, and also her sister Eileen who died recently.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Mary:

Please excuse the tardiness in responding. The older and sicker I get I find the keeping track of time and tasks is increasing difficult.

We certainly will pray for your intentions.

As this is the Spiritual Warfare Q&A, I'll answer this from that perspective. The Enemy is want to make us lose our cool, to indulge in anger, and to poke a finger in the wound of frustration. Do not let him do it.

Pray for this poor woman. She is obviously a hurting soul with insecurities that she does not know how to handle, thus acts out in sloth and manipulation. Pray for her soul and her psychological health. Pray for her healing.

Be careful of your own pride. Anger and frustration is most often a result of pride. In this case it seen in "How dare this woman get her way, and I can't", and "How dare this person secure her own position when mine is tenuous."

Pray for her. And we will pray not only for her but for you.

I recommend praying daily the Litany of Humility.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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