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Our guardian angel can hear our prayers, can he? Ed Monday, September 6, 2004


In responding to the recent question, "Can the devil hear our silent prayers?" you stated in part,

 "The devil, nor the angels, can read our thoughts.....Only God can read our thoughts. No one else can, unless God gives permission for an angel, or a person, to do so.... but that is extremely rare. If there is information God wants the angels or a person to know about the thoughts of another, rather than granting the angel or person the ability to temporarily read that person's thoughts (which is intrusive), God would more likely just tell the angel or the person what they need to know in what some people call a Word of Knowledge."

I am somewhat confused because I "thought" (I'm not positive) the Catholic church encourages us to pray to our guardian angel, and I believe, Our Lord once stated "pray to your angel........etc."

If we are to pray to our guardian angel, then this would not be "extremely rare."

Maybe you are distinguishing between prayer and thoughts and consider them two different entities. Is that what you're saying. Are you saying "We can pray to our angel but he cannot read our thoughts when we are not praying to him."

Thank you, Ed

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Ed:

Our thoughts are within our mind and no one but God can know them unless we communicate those thoughts to others. Prayer is a form of communication. If we express our thoughts in prayer to the saints or to our guardian angel then they will hear that prayer, not because they are reading our thoughts, but because we are deliberately communicating our thoughts to them.

Right now you are reading my thoughts expressed in typewritten form on this web page.  That does not mean you are reading my mind. What is in my mind remains hidden until I express those thoughts in some form.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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