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re: Guatemalan Worry Dolls Linda Sunday, May 2, 2010


Thank you for your quick response and the link to the procedure of what to do with cursed objects. I sent you a notice that I'd be sending these items to you to destroy. But as I read throught the procedure, it said not to put them in the sewer or the garbage. I think I remember reading in Fr. Amorth's book that it's ok to put cursed items in the garbage as long as we're sure that they'll be buried or burned? Why would the garbage be a bad choice then? Thank you. I'm also struggling with the knowledge that I'll have to tell my neighbor about the items being made with occult intent but I'm hoping Our Lord will give me the grace to say what I have to say. Thank you, again.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM


One should never merely "throw away" a cursed object. There are two reasons to not place cursed items in the garbage:

1) so others may not dig them out of the garbage. Some may dig out the destroyed remnants of the item to use in yet another curse or hex.

2) burying the item in the earth or placing it in running water after destroying it cleanses the item. The destruction of the item removes the curse, the earth and water, as symbols and literal cleansing agents, cleanses the item.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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