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can an evil parent condemn a child to hell Mary Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Can an evil parent condemn a child to hell? In an interview with Art Bell, Malachi Martin says that this is possible.

I know nothing about exoricisms, covens, etc., but this doesn't seem possible in the light of our Catholic faith. I was taught that even God Himself doesn't interfere with our free will, but they are saying a parent can? Hearing this was deeply upsetting. Please tell me your thoughts.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Mary:

Do not fear. Mr. Malachi Martin was a fraud and con artist. The four men who did more damage to the faith than any other individuals in the 20th Century, and perhaps since the rebellion of Martin Luther, in order of damage are: 1) Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who founded the schismatic group SSPX; 2) Father Gruner, who founded the wacko group Fatima Network and Fatima Crusader; 3) Father Feeney, who in the 1940s was excommunicated for proposing the heresy that one will go to hell unless he is a "card-carrying" Catholic; and 4) Mr. Malachi Martin, a laicized priest, without credentials, who purportedly did exorcisms illegally, lied about knowing the Third Secret of Fatima, proposed heterodox theologies on exorcism, and identified Pope John Paul II as responsible for bringing the Church down. I think Martin stop just barely short of being a sedevacantist (believing that every Pope since John XXIII in 1958 is a heretic and an anti-pope).

I have excised out the portion of the interview with Art Bell that you referenced. In this clip, linked below, Martin affirms that parents can "ensure" that their children will go to hell. If this is not heresy, it is certainly heterodox.

A parent can curse his child, dedicate his child to Satan, even facilitate his child to be possessed by demons. A case of a parent cursing his child in the most famous case of exorcism reported in the book Begone Satan! But, no one can "ensure" that anyone else goes to hell. Hell is a personal choice. No one can send anyone else to hell. Besides to "ensure" that someone else, like one's child, goes to hell is usurping the sovereignty of God -- one of the worse mortal sins a person can commit and Mr. Martin apparently committed this crime.

In this clip a Satanist mother claims to have seen to it that her seven year old daughter, murdered by her husband, will be with her in hell (which she readily admits is her destiny). This is nonsense. Mr. Martin supporting such nonsense harms the Faithful.

Martin died a decade ago. He stood before God to account for his crimes of lying, fraud, and scandalizing millions of people.

Here is the clip from the Art Bell show, May 4, 1998: 

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Martin

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