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Need prayer Lisara Sunday, June 13, 2010


I need to just get this off my chest. I am feeling very overwhelmed by circumstances in life.

I am my 80 yr old mom's confidante. She has a big problem with my brother who lives with her. He is a daily drunk and uses drugs, and she deals with chronic pain from osteoporosis and is too weakened from pain and pills to contend with his baloney anymore. He doesn't respect me either, and is very explosive so I am afraid to deal with him. I have always been afraid of him. In fact I would rather crawl into a hole and never come out than deal with him. She says jokingly, "Can I follow you" No, it's MY hole, haha.
My brother brings a certain individual to my mom's house who has been in PRISON (not jail) for selling drugs and who still sells drugs, doesn't respect my mom who has literally had crying spells begging him to not bring this person there. I say this person brings evil spirits with him because she gets very sick to her stomach and she throws up whenever he comes to the house. It is a pattern I have noticed, and she thinks it is silly of me to think that he brings evil spirits. I pray the St. Michael prayer for her, and would appreciate it if you add her to your prayers. She would bless you and pray for you too, because she is prayerful.

I just need to dump this here, because I feel like a trash can that is too full. I have a hard time doing what I have to do daily because of financial worry and my kids...frankly we don't know were we will be living in a year. I got myself up today to cut some branches from our trees, and the lady next door came to me to customarily tell me all of her problems. I don't like "sharing" my woes with the neighbors, but I have that LOOK of "come dump on me". I was politely trying to get away, when she blurted out that people were talking about what a trashy yard we have, veiling it in neighborly concern. Apparently we offend the finer sensibilities of others, but "it doesn't matter what others think, does it??" she adds. I think I scared the daylights out of her when I broke down and wailed. I just had a breakdown, I guess. She had never seen me so uncomposed. I said loudly as I cried I WANT A NICE yard but when we get money in we would rather spend it on food for our kids rather than lawn care. Every effort is spent on bringing in money for mortgage, and with our own business, that is not a stable endeavor. We are too exhausted to even think about making the yard look good after all of that. I WANT these things because they come with stability, and Heaven and hell knows it, and it hurt me so bad to hear that. I am sick, that it makes me wish I had never even tried to anything for the yard today.

See, she just dumped on me for too many years like my mom has. I don't think she knew I ever cried. Maybe she thought I didn't have a sensitive bone in my body. Maybe she thought I would laugh it off, but it was a very sore nerve for me.
God Bless You

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Lisara:

I am sorry to hear about all this. The first thing that needs to be done is for your brother to be kicked out of the house. If he will not leave the house, then turn him in for drugs and seek a restraining order. I am not kidding.

This destructive behavior is elder abuse, and spiritually his behavior may indeed invite demonic visitors. This should not be tolerated. Kick him out.

You can pray the Hedge Prayers of Protection on behalf of your mother, if she will not do it for herself. But, one way or another, the brother must be removed from the home permanently.

As for your neighbor, I understand. I have not had problems with neighbors, but I have had problems with family members who have little respect for me and who sigh at my lack of good housekeeping. But, I can do only what I can do given my disabilities.

Since you broke down with your neighbor, perhaps she will not bother you again. If she does, then ask her to not bother you with her problems, and especially to bother you with the neighbors issues with your yard.

Everyone has limits and sometimes we must just back off from neighborliness when we are overwhelmed. However, concerning your yard the neighbor's crime of rash judgment should not be tolerated.

Although my neighbors have said nothing to me I am sure someone in the neighborhood does not like the fact that I do not keep up the yard as neatly as everyone else. Due to my disabilities I can do little yard work. If the neighbors do not like it, tough, I can only do want I can do, and no more.

At the same time, we are to act neighborly, but we are not required to indulge busybodies. And, as mentioned, when we are overwhelmed we may need to back away for a while.

We will be praying for you and for your mother and family.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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