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mental illness and discernment Claire Thursday, June 17, 2010


Dear Brother Ignatius,

I have a family member who suffers from bipolar disorder. When he is taking his medication regularly and is non-delusional, he is professes to be an atheist. However, if he goes off of his medication, he starts talking about how he believes in God, which then ultimately progresses to "hearing" God speak to him directly and then full-blown psychosis.

His interest in God and returning to the Church always seem to go hand-in-hand with the start of a manic episode. Because of this, his wife (who also professes to be an atheist) and other family members always assume that any mention of God means he has gone off his medication and is becoming delusional again.

Is there any way of discerning whether there is a genuine impulse to re-establish a relationship with God? It seems absolutely diabolical that his interest in the divine goes hand-in-hand with the manifestation of his illness. He has indicated to me at one point that he would like to return to the Church, but he feels like he can't because he wife will assume that it is the illness manifesting itself and that he needs to be re-committed. It was obvious that he found this situation to be quite painful. Of course, afterwards I discovered that he had confided this during at time when he stopped taking his medication, but had not yet become overtly delusional.

I do not know what to say or do in these situations. I do not want to inadvertantly encourage him when he is in a possibly delusional state, yet I do not want to rule out the possibility that there could be a genuine spiritual impulse there. What do you advise I should say or do when he asks me questions about God and religious experiences? Other family members have said I should avoid the subjects altogether for fear of encouraging more delusions.



Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Claire:

Well, I am not a psychiatrist, but I think it is certainly possible that all of this is a manifestation of his psychiatric condition. It is not unusual for people with psychiatric illness to have religious delusions. Thus, I am not sure I would trust his "religious moods". But, I do not know the man, of course, thus this is sheer speculation.

One clue to things might be what he professed before he got sick? Atheism or Christianity?

I would see about getting permission from him to talk to his doctor about it and see what he says about these swings from religious interests to atheism.

Certainly pray for him. Several prayers in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog would be useful such as the Prayer for a Wayward Person and even the Rebuking Particular Spirits. You could pray that on his behalf, changing the words as necessary, to rebuke the spirits of atheism, mental illness, etc.

Sorry I could not be more help.

We will certainly prayer for him and for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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