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re: confused and misled Jon Monday, July 26, 2010


Yes, I was told the rosary can be used as a pendulum to talk and ask questions of guardian angel.

Could you please answer the 3 questions in the first paragraph of my original post? This is of great concern to me.

thank you.

Question Answered by

Dear Jon:

Well, any priest who would suggest this occult action has committed a grave sin and a scandal. He should be reported to the Bishop.

As for the question, I did answer it indirectly. You need to go to confession. While getting wrong advice from your priest reduces your culpability, it does not necessarily eliminate it.

We cannot completely excuse our acts by saying, "I was told wrong by a priest". We have an obligation to know our faith. This "asking questions of angels with a pendulum" business is an obvious occult act and you should have known this.

I know a priest who preaches from the pulpit that Sunday Mass is no longer an obligation. No matter what he says, anyone who follows his words will be hard pressed to excuse themselves before God for not going to Sunday Mass. Know your faith and check for yourself what the Church teaches when any priest, bishop, or any teacher (including me) says something that doesn't seem right. And then get a "second opinion", as you did in posting your question.

Unfortunately, we live in an age that we cannot always trust our sacred pastors (priests and even bishops sometimes), to tell us the truth about our faith. The reason for this is sometimes that the priest or bishop is liberal. Sometimes it is because the priest is thoughtless in their theology due to intellectual laziness. Sometimes the priest actually is ignorant of the issues. It is especially the case with priests that they MUST know the faith because they are charged with teaching it to the Faithful. There is no excuse for such ignorance. It is the priest's job to know.

What you are reporting was told to you by a priest is inexcusable of him. You might want to ask him about it again to make sure you are understanding him correctly. But, if you did understand him correctly and he really did recommend this action, then, frankly, he should be reported to the bishop as he is dangerous to the Faithful.

Anyway, although you are not at fault for the priest's stupidity, you should have had some gut feeling that something was wrong. Be sure to learn your faith well. Read and study the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Regardless of the level of your culpability, you need to confess this action in the Sacrament of Confession, and follow through on the other prayers I suggested.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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