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Reiki Wanda Tuesday, August 10, 2010


When my Mom was unconscious in the hospital for many days and weeks, one of my daughters told me a teacher from the high school or a former teacher from the high school would do Reiki on patients. I thought it was a good idea, and he did Reiki on my mother who was around 80 years old, she has since passed away.

Did we sin by doing this? Did we introduce the demonic into her body? I had no idea that Reiki was evil until I read from your website. If somebody has no idea, does the possession still happen and is the person still damned for eternity?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Wanda:

Reiki is a serious and dangerous activity. It can, and often does, lead to demonization. To ask a Reiki person to come in and perform this on one's mother is, I believe, a sin. It is a spiritual assault and battery. You need to bring this to Confession and in addition, renounce this activity (see our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog linked below).

It is important for you to confess this sin and to further renounce it since your requesting Reiki to be done on your mother can open the door for demonic harassment upon you and your family. One cannot open the door for the devil without getting burned in some way great or small.

I have no idea whether or not your mother may have been harassed by demons as a result of this before she died. But, your mother is with the Lord now, thus whatever effects caused by this Reiki are passed.

Reiki does not automatically cause possession. It mostly causes a lower levels of demonization, but often levels that are difficult to remove.

As to a person's eternal destiny: Whether or not a person is demonized, or even fully possessed, has no direct bearing upon a person's eternal soul. The devil cannot possess the soul. A possessed person can be in a State of Grace and thus go to heaven when he dies regardless of the possession.

As for a person "in their innocence" doing something like Reiki, the devil does not care. He can still attack. Innocent people are attacked all the time. An person innocently sticking their finger in a light socket because they are ignorant of the consequences, will still get an electrical shock.

But, Wanda, you are not completely innocent. Rieki is bad news on its face and every Christian ought to inherently know that. All validly baptized people have within them the Holy Spirit. If we will listen to the Holy Spirit we will not find ourselves in such messes. If we know our faith we can avoid much heart-break.  We cannot have that "gut" feeling that something is wrong if our minds are not informed by the Faith, and/or our spirit is not listening to the still small voice of our Lord warning us to stay away from certain things.

In any event, you know now. You need to inform your children.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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