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Under Attack Despite Use of Sacramentals Therese Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I know of a large Catholic family that has an Apostolate. Their house was blessed a few years ago, enthroned to the Sacred Heart, they use blessed sacramentals, they cover themselves with the Precious Blood of Jesus, but they believe they are under attack (strange fire in the home, hackers on their website, etc.). How can they be under attack or cursed if they've done everything to prevent it? This doesn't do much to inspire confidence.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Therese:

We must remember that sacramentals, blessings, and such are NOT talismons; they are not protection magik.

All these things are like No Tresspassing Signs to the demons, but just like in human life, some people respect the no tresspassing sign and others shoot holes in the sign and tresspass anyway.

Also remember Job. Job did nothing to deserve being attacked, but he was anyway.

There are many reasons why demons may get through the hedge of protection that God places around us.

1) we can invite the demons in
2) we can carelessly leave the gate open
3) we can carelessly leave the gate unlocked
4) we can sin in such a way that causes holes in the hedge that allows demons through
5) other people's sin or other people casring curses can sometimes knock a hole in our hedge.
6) generational demons may be causing the harassment
7) God may be allowing it to mold and strenghten the people and to test their faith.

Demons can harass us because of some sin problem or some worldly or flesh problem. But the demons can also be allowed to bother us because we have done the right thing. Padre Pio was attacked daily by demons and it was not because he did anything wrong, it was because he was a powerful servant of God and the demons wanted to destroy him.

No matter what the cause or purpose God promises:

1) that no temptation will come to us that we cannot handle

2) that no temptation will come to us that there is not a way to escape

3) that all things (good and bad) will work together for good (in other words if we have lemons in our life, if we give those lemons to God, He will make sweet lemonade.

You are right, there is no confidence in the sacramentals and blessings and such; there is not suppose to be. Our confidence is in God and in our faith, not in holy water, or medals, or the like.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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