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Can the Devil hear us confess? Rachel Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Is there any special barrier created by the confidentiality of confession, or can the devil hear us confess our sins?

For example, if I were having impure thoughts (meaning, entertaining impure thoughts, not just being tempted with them) and told no one about them, Satan wouldn't know about them since he cannot read my mind. However, if I confess them to a priest I have said them out loud. Can Satan hear my confession, and use my propensity toward impure thoughts to further harass me? I suspect the answer is no, he cannot hear them (or is somehow prevented from using the information), but I would appreciate your input. Thanks!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+


I believe that the devil and his minions cannot eavesdrop on our confessions or on our prayers, even it said out loud, to God and to His saints.

There is no specific Church teaching on this that I have come across, but the general theology of the matter makes the opinion above a logical and reasonable conclusion. God certainly has the power to protect our communications with Him. Afterall if man can create secure phone lines and satellite links for the President, how much more can God create even greater and absolute security over our communications with Him?

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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