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Sybolism Tannianly Saturday, September 18, 2004


Brother Ignatius,

A sincere hello to you and many thanks for your work. The questions you have answered in other forums and in this one is helping me clear thinsg up. Thank you for your hard work.

Ok now i have a question that i hope you will understand. I would like to know if it is right to look at satanical sybolism and to try to learn what good meaning they have in them or behind them?

I will explain myself here a little more. Like others i used to think that the upside down cross meant it was evil and never the death of a great saint like Peter. I never really related the star with the star of in the sky of Jesus' birth either when it came to stars. I always assiciated them with occultism.

It just seems that when ever you look at something satanical it means it's something good that was turned into something evil. In my parish, we do tend to have stupid people here, during preparation for the first communion of the little ones, a man walked up to the priest who was teaching the children. Now the priest was telling them all about the mass and the proper name of each things. The man that stood up to him asked him why he, the church, would used such language to call blessed things like that because they are mostly used in swearing. Now the problem is we did not take their words. It's the opposite.

Here is my question again. Is it wrong for me to look at satanical sybolism and to try to find there rightfull meaning in order to understand better what is going on? Is it wrong to come up to a person and tell them what it really means and the wrong they are doing in it or with it. It's just that the more i learn about occultism the more i learn about my church. Is this a wrong concept of things?

I was told i was an idiot for doing such things and a real fool as such a thing can not be done. Why not??? I would really love to have your input on this one.

Thank you very much.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Tannianly:

Not all satanic symbols have their origin in some positive symbol. There is no purpose to deliberately examine satanic symbols with the thought of trying to discern something positive. In fact, it can be dangerous spiritually.

What is more healthy and prudent is to investigate symbols that are used by the Church, but that others say are satanic, to find out the truth about the symbol. For example, the upside-down cross.

Since the Church uses the upside-down cross and since many ignorant people think that this is a satanic symbol the question comes to mind: "Is the Church using a satanic symbol? How can this be?"

That is the motivation and the instance where investigation is warranted.

As we investigate what the upside-down cross symbol means we learn that it is a symbol of St. Peter who was crucified upside-down. It is not an occult symbol after all, at least as the Church uses it. We cannot help it if occultist use Christian symbols for their own purposes.

Other symbols used by the Church do have an occult origin but are "Christianized" for our purposes. One of the reasons the Church uses them is to make the point that our God is the True God and has overcome the false god of the symbol.

The point is that if the Church is using a symbol that others call occultic, then investigate the source and definition of the symbol according to the Church, and not take some wacko's word for it.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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