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Re: The movie The Devil's Adocate Joan Friday, October 1, 2010


Dear Brother,

I am a 57 year old woman. 20 years before ever seeing the movie "The Devil's Advocate" I experienced the same visions of people's faces turning into the faces of demons as Anastacio did.

These were not stranger's faces. They were the faces of my friends, loved ones and myself. None of us were living Christian lives. We were all doing drugs, playing with Ouji boards, committing adultry, committing abortion and fornicating.

I felt these visions were a message from God to change my life and pray for others in my life. Once I felt this was true the visions never appeared again. Today I try to keep very close to Jesus and the sacraments and pray for people who have ever come into my life.

You can only imagine when I first saw the movie "The Devil's Advocate" those scenes scared the life out of me. I assumed then that I was not the only person who God spoke to in that way and I promptly forgot about the whole matter until Anastacio's question.

I praise God for his mercy.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Joan:

Thanks for your testimony. It sounds like your "visions" were most likely drug related. The occult involvement, however, give a clue to an demonic involvement as well.

These things happen, as I mentioned in the previous post. People do see these things. But, also, for all people who have ever seen a horror or occult-themed movie that may have included images like this, those images are in the brain. Thus, doing things like drugs, or other psychological issues can call up those images.

In addition, Satan can sift our imaginations like wheat. This is why we need to guard our senses. It matters what movies or TV shows we watch, what books we read, what games we play, what music we listen to. All those images, ideas, music, etc. is placed in our memories where Satan can use it as fuel for the fodder of our imaginations.

Then again, this phenomenon that you Anastacio describes can also be a genuine vision of demons on the faces of people.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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