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spiritual authority Frank Monday, October 11, 2010


I'm aware that only priests authorized by the local bishop can perform solemn exorcisms ... however can deacons (transitional and permanent) by virtue of there ordination and receiving the Sacrament of Holy Orders perform exorcisms in the name of the Church also or are they only sanctioned / allowed to perform (simple) deliverance's such as that found in the sacrament of Baptism? Can they also pray over people in the church for deliverance.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Frank:

Only a priest can perform a solemn exorcism, and then only with the express permission of his bishop.

Canon Law 1172 states:

ß1 No one may lawfully exorcise the possessed without the special and express permission of the local Ordinary.

ß2 This permission is to be granted by the local Ordinary only to a priest who is endowed with piety, knowledge, prudence and integrity of life.

The commentary from the Code of Canon Law Annotated, University of Navarra and St. Paul University:

When it [exorcism] is carried out in the name of the Church by an authorized person in accordance with established rites, the exorcism is said to be public, and possesses the power proper to the sacramentals; otherwise it is private. Public exorcisms can be either simple or solemn or major. Simple ones are those that form part of another rite, particularly the catechumenate and baptism, and they may be performed by any minister authorized to perform the ceremony within which an exorcism is included. Solemn or major exorcisms are those public one prescribed for cases of diabolical possession of obsession: it is to these that this canon refers.

Bottomline: a deacon cannot perform a solemn (major) exorcism, but he can perform a simple exorcism that is part of another rite, such as baptism in which he is allowed to perform.

A priest, deacon, or laity can perform deliverance, but it is not prudent to do so without training as it, too, can be dangerous for both the client and the deliverance minister. Whenever a priest or deacon is involved in deliverance (such as we do in our apostolate) they bring with them the added benefit blessing of Holy Orders.

As for praying over people for deliverance in Church, or some group meeting, as some Charismatics like to do, that is very imprudent and dangerous even it done by a priest or deacon. Except in emergency situations neither exorcism nor deliverance should be done spontaneously or in a group meeting. A person needing deliverance needs to be interviewed and go through a lot or preliminaries before we even get near the deliverance prayer itself. The deliverance itself needs to be private (same with exorcism) with only the client and the deliverance or exorcism team present.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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