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Black sect feng shui Jim Saturday, September 18, 2004


Dear Bros. Ignatius,

I have asked you a question before but this time i'm asking about my neice -- she has a side business of interior design which follows the schooling of the Black Sect Feng Shui!

 I only just found this out the other day and have bombarded her with warnings and articles about how dangerous this could be and how unnecessary--i've tried to point out the symbolism of that "sect" and have pulled quotes about the serpent and dragon from the Bible but she just doen't get it--she is a cradle Catholic and a single mother of 2 girls and her oldest recently celebrated her first communion-- I have told her that she must forget this feng shui stuff -- she underwent shooling and although believes in God also believes in "self" and powers of self healing--i told her that is the devil's game in many ways -- i'm afraid that she is just spiritually immature to realize what it means to divide her loyalties like this-- and her mother, my sister used to teach the Catechism!!

i'm very distressed over this and told her she should talk to a priest -- her e mail address even has the word "shui" in it and i say it should only ever have Christ in it--and i doubt that being schooled in this would really help her business more than if not--i also tell her that the Eucharist is better than any understanding of "self" healing--please give me some words from more of an athority than i because no matter how much sense i might make i'm afraid she and others won't take me seriously because i'm not "qualified"!!

i don't take this lightly because i have had my spiritual warfare for years and know the reality exists!

please help as much as the written word can.

I am 1500 miles away from my niece and i have a local priest i talk to but my priest friend near her has recently passed away and i'm not sure my priest here is comfortable with this subject.

thank you and God Bless and pray for them

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Jim:

I am sorry to hear about your niece. It sounds like you have already done all the right things.

Unfortunately I really cannot comment directly at this time since I really do not know much about Feng Shui other than something about furnishing one's house is a way that facilitates good energy, or some such nonsense as that.

As a general rule a Catholic needs to be very circumspect about Chinese and other Eastern philosophies and systems. They usually contain elements that are inconsistent with Catholicism.

The problem is that few people who indulge themselves in these things have the mature discernment to know what to accept and what to throw out. It is best to not go there to begin with. Those who are mature in their faith, usually don't travel in that direction in the first place.

There is one thing for sure, one does not need to go to these foreign philosophic systems. Anything that can be co-opted into Catholicism has been co-opted. There are no new ideas from the East to investigate. To dabble in such things, especially when one is spiritually immature is dangerous.

Pray for her and we will be praying for her too.

Perhaps one of our readers can contribute some information about Feng Fooy, er, I mean Feng Shui.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

[typing from a house in total disaray where nothing goes matches, and the energies are wild ;)

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