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Demonic attacks in dreams Jose Tuesday, October 12, 2010


For the past few weeks I have been having nightmares on a regular basis. The recurring theme is that during the dreams I have been seeing both angels and demons. From what I can recall after waking, normally angels will show up randomly in the dream and try to say something. I will see lips moving but won't/can't hear what they're saying. On the flip side the nightmares are their worse when I see demons are those possessed by them.

The other night I dreamed that a person who was possessed attacked me or rather tried to. In the dream I was wearing a rosary, so the demonized person would only come within a certain distance to me but kept swinging fists and yelling obscenities towards me.

I have read "An Excorsist Tells his Story, G. Amorth" so I do have an understanding of diabolic influence and how they come about and their nature. What strikes me is that the face of the individual during the dream underwent such and extreme distortion that would qualify as something on the sensational. Something not typically seen in cases of demonic possesion.

I guess the main question is that what steps can I take to try to prevent these types of dreams. I do pray nightly before going to bed and always make sure to pray at least one spiritual warefare prayer before I go to bed. I understand that sometimes nightmares come about because of stress or events that go on in people's lives.

If it helps, lately I have been undergoing a good amount of stress with school(I am enrolled in a graduate program conducting a two year research endeavor) personal finances as well as typical problems that arise everyday. Any sort of advice will be well appreciated.

God Bless

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Jose:

Dreams are usually the brain's creative way to work out stresses, worries, anxieties, as well as joys that happen during the day. The images the brain uses for these "movies" will be whatever is in the memory banks. Thus, for example, if we have read a book on exorcism, or watched a movie with a demonic theme, then that can be the source of demonic images in the dream.

On the other hand, it is possible for demons to attack us in dreams. Demons cannot read minds, but they can sift like wheat our imaginations.

We have a Bedtime Prayer of protection in our Spiritual Warfare Catalog linked below.

On another manner, I would advise you to not think you know how demons work because you read a book. You make a declarative statement, "Something not typically seen in cases of demonic possession" to which you are not qualified to make. Reading a book on surgery does not make one a surgeon or even qualified to have an opinion on surgery.

The danger of these books, like Fr. Amorth's, which are good textbooks for those in training, is that the general public reads them and then thinks they actually know something about the subject. This is not a subject that can be learned solely from books, anymore than surgery can be learned solely from books. Our training program is around four-seven years and includes a lot more than books. It includes clinical training, practicums, internship, and mentoring. Be careful to not overstep yourself.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.