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Guided Imagery linda Monday, October 18, 2010


I know that guided imagery is wrong. But I think I'm confused on what exactly guided imagery entails. For example, if I tell my daughter to 'bring her troubles and pain and suffering to the foot of the Cross and give them to Jesus..." did I just use guided imagery with her? That wasnt' my intent. At the hospital, a psychologist wanted to use guided imagery with her. I said 'no' but I did say it would be ok for my daughter to share a happy memory, make up a happy story. That's not guided imagery, is it? Could you please clarify what guided imagery is and what it is not? Thank you for your insight.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Linda:

Guided Imagery is not wrong per se. It depends on what the images are, how they are "guided", and the purpose of the exercise.

As for a definition, the Wikipedia article on this is as good as any:

It is a therapeutic technique in which a facilitator uses descriptive language intended to psychologically benefit mental imagery, often involving several or all senses, in the mind of the listener. In this method, the imagination plays an important role together with discussions with the client.

This definition is in the use of guided imagery in psychotherapy. New Agers also use this technique for more "spiritual" explorations that are, of course, dangerous.

One of the dangers of guided imagery is that it often leads the person into a altered state of consciousness, a form of self-hypnosis or meditation. Because of this, the purpose and goal of the guided imagery and who is doing the guiding is critically important.

It is best, however, to not do anything that creates an deliberate altered state of consciousness as this can make one vulnerable.

There is a kind of guided imagery, however, that is useful and beneficial. Actually, the Rosary is a simple kind of guided imagery. The Rosary gives us a mystery to meditate upon by imagining the scene. Often pictures of each mystery are used to help with this.

For those who are needed healing, I recommend my friend Deacon Frank O'Connell, of At the Water's Edge Ministry. He has a CD you get that has a guided imagery exercise for healing that is not New Age. His approach has been successful in healing and changing people's lives. I recommend him and have his ministry linked on our website.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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