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Paranormal State, The Haunted, etc Renee Monday, November 8, 2010



I have been addicted to TV shows such as the above. I have watched marathons.

My question is is there a chance of becoming "spirtualized" in a negative way form watching such programs? Is there a danger?

I get the creeps but can't stop watching.

Also, there is a Catholic priest on this show doing exercisims. I am a bit confused because he is working closely wiht a psychic. They deal with "earthbound" (human) spirits as well as the not so common non human ones.

I am really confused; according to what I read on your forum, most spirits that are stuck on earth are non-human, am I correct?

Thanks for taking the time for this !!


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Renee:

You need to stop watching these "ghost hunting" shows. You have an "unhealthy" interest in these shows. As a result of that unhealthy interest it is possible for you end up in a demonic attachment. Demons are opportunists. If they see someone with an unhealthy interests in things occult, paranormal, demonic, ghostly, they can exploit that for their own purposes.

Besides, these ghost hunting shows are dangerous from the get-go because every one of the shows spouts false theology and practice techniques that are both stupid and dangerous.

In addition, these shows, like all TV shows, are dependent upon ratings to exist. Given that, while I cannot prove it right now, the pressures to keep ratings up so as to make money is likely to cause fabrication, that is, falsifying the alleged capture of phenomena.

If you watch closely, you will also see that no actual phenomena occurs on most of the shows, but rather a "psyching oneself out", a scaring self at any shadow or noise on the part of the so-called "investigators." I am being generous to describe this as a "scaring self" experience as it is also possible that the "investigators" are acting to enhance the drama and suspense.

Actually, I have personally witnessed the three things that ghost hunters most often do:

1) Pretending (acting) to embellish their experiences, especially when they cannot report anything real;

2) Making something out of nothing because they scare themselves by their own shadows;

3) Misinterpret phenomena due to personal bias, unscientific approach (e.g., EVP's.), and/or with theologically false presumptions (e.g., cold spots)

There is not a single audio recording (EVP) that I have heard that is convincing. What people "think" they hear is almost always just the natural attempt of the human brain to see patterns, to make order out of chaos, like one person seeing an elephant and another person seeing nothing in a cloud formation. Then once the person suggests the clouds look like an elephant, suddenly the second person sees it too.

A second example is the notion that spirits must "suck out energy" from this world in order to manifest, or that spirits come through a portal from their dimension into ours. These theories are based upon theological ignorance. Spirits are not dependent upon the material world for anything. They do not have to suck out energy from the material world (and nearly all ghost phenomena does not have "cold spots"). Spirits are not in another dimension of space and time because such dimensions are a part of a material universe.

Spirits of all sorts (angels, demons, those in purgatory, or heaven, those in hell, and any human spirits that God may allow to roam the earth for a time) do not exist in a material universe and are not affected by a material universe. This universe of ours will cease to exist (in about 20 billion years), our life on earth will cease to exist in as little as 500,000 years. But, the world in which spirits live is eternal. While spirits may interact with this world, they are not dependent upon the material world for anything.

Bottomline: We discourage and warn all people to avoid these idiotic ghost hunting shows because:

1) they teach things about spirits that are totally false. All these shows operate on false theological presumptions.

2) nearly all of these shows use psychics and other occult means to discern or to get rid of ghosts. It is not uncommon for these people to blend Christian practices with occult practices. This is royally stupid and only emboldens the demons. This can cause great danger to the "investigators" and their clients.

3) These shows also encourage people to do ghost hunting themselves. Ghost hunting is dangerous as usually we are dealing with demons, not human spirits. None of these ghost hunting groups are qualified or trained to deal with these demons; and they are not qualified to know the difference between a demon and human spirit. These groups most often actually create more problems, and open themselves and their clients to dangerous effects.

4) Then despite all that, and even if all of the above were not true, there is the development of an unhealthy interest in the subject that can lead to demonic attachment. You are in danger of this.

C.S. Lewis, in his The Screwtape Letters, warned: "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about demons. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them."

Stop watching these shows.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary




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