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help for my daughter tessie Thursday, December 2, 2010


my 43 year old daughter had an abortion when she was about 15, this happened without my knowledge at the time. She has since had 3 illigitimate children, and it is impossible to talk to her, she is very opinionated and thinks she knows all. She argues incessently, and is not able to maintain a friendship for too long. my other daughter and i can only stay in her company for a couple of hours at most.

she gets very angry and screams at her children, and whoever is near. We are afraid to say anything to her about her behavior, or incur her wrath, she thinks that she is a good mother, and has various laisons with men. she is full of herself and thinks that she is a "good person". she doesn't go to mass but thinks that she is spiritual?? i expect that you've heard it all before?

i've said deliverance prayers for her, and usually dedicate one decade of the rosary for her but to no avail, i would be obliged if you could include her in your deliverance prayers, and give me some advice as to how to proceed. her name is elizabeth. yours sincerely tessie

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Tessie:

We included your daughter, Elizabeth, in our Proxy Deliverance Monday night. We do a Proxy Deliverance once a month for those who cannot, or not willing to ask for help directly, and for various clients who need extra prayer.

The bottom line for your daughter is that she was the ability to choose her life, even if it is delusional or an affront to God. God has given the human race the gift of Free Will so that we can choose to love. But, with the gift to choose comes also the ability to choose wrongly.

You can talk to your daughter, but if she does not listen there is little you can do directly. It is not productive to nag her or argue. Thus, you must commit her to prayer and persevere in that prayer until the day you die.

With this perseverance in prayer she may eventually come to her senses and make a conversion of soul in favor of our Lord. That may be after your death. The key is perseverance.

I would suggest a devotion to St. Monica who prayed and prayed for her son. If I remember correctly, it was only three months before her death that her son, Augustine, returned to the Church. He became on of the greatest Saints in the Church.

From a spiritual warfare point-of-view, I recommend praying on a regular basis the Hedge Prayer for a Wayward Person found in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog linked below.

Since we included your daughter in our Proxy Deliverance, she will be on our permanent prayer list and prayed for by our Prayer Warriors for as long as we exist.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.