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Uncontrollable yawning and spiritual problems George Wednesday, December 8, 2010



I have had a patient recently that seemed to set off some spiritual "bells and whistles" in my head. Actually two: one patient more serious than the other.

One patient didn't seem right in some way. She looks at me with that kind of empty look in her eyes sometimes. I am sure she has psychological problems. She definatley has a terrible fear of insects which I recommended counseling for. I am writing about this patient because when I first began treatment she would yawn during the history in a way that seemed odd to me. She would do this two to three times during our conversation that would seem like a child was yawning or somehow inappropriate for someone her age. She also appears to have anxiety but denies it when I asked yet she seems to be nervous about many things. I plan to ask my sister who is a psychologist but I guess I'm asking if you had any clients that exhibit this behaviour when spiritual problems exist specifically the yawning. It sounds funny I know but I can't explain the "gut" feeling I got with it.

I also have a patient with clinical bipolar who presented the other day with some neck pain. Sometimes brother I get a weird feeling from patients. My heart will pound for some reason it seems as a warning. I do not get nervous with new patients or suffer anxiety that I know of. But I tell you this has only happened a few times and it wasn't a good experience with the patient or he patient seems to have some really bad personality qualities or obvious spiritual issues.

This particular patient reported having recently received reiki treatment. So immediately some bells went off as his demeanor is also a little strange but very polite and well mannered. This happened with another patient and I'm telling u in the history when I asked about the parents she literally said they are dead and hopes they are burning in hell.

In your opinion could I trust these gut feelings as coming from God and pray for these people or do you think it is your law of coincidence? I am having a difficult time figuring out how to bring up how reiki isn't the best idea for him (especially since he has depression) but I do not know if he is Christian or catholic and if it doesn't "come up" somehow I usually do not talk about Christianity with a patient. If I know they are practicing Catholics though I tell them to stop yoga and things though :) and try pilotes or planks instead. I also keep a green scapula on one arm rest and a medal of saint Benedict on the other to help for spiritual problems that may be causing pain in their lives.

Thank you and I appreciate your thoughts. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear George:

Well, the yawning can have a natural explanation. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or some other medical condition that causes fatigue, or other condition that would cause the yawning, is possible. A condition such as a sleep disorder could cause it. Behavioral issues, such as partying all night, is possible. And then there are psychological issues, or even psychiatric issues.

These sorts of explanations are far more likely than a spiritual explanation in the context you give of a doctor's office. Such fatigue and sleepiness that may cause yawning with a spiritual source usually happens when the person is trying to read the Bible, or attend Mass, or some other spiritual activity.

Demons most often hitchhike on problems that already exist, rather than create the problems. Perhaps there are things going on in your patient's life that is making her vulnerable to demonic harassments. Perhaps that is what you are sensing. I can only speak hypothetically since I have not interviewed this patient.

It is common for those who are living a good Christian life to discern or sense the presence of evil in a place or in others. This is the natural discernment that all who are baptized and thus indwelt with the Holy Spirit should experience from time to time. Some are more sensitive to sensing a demonic presence or attachment than others.

As for the patient who is/was into Reiki, this is a problem. I do not think anyone who has practiced Reiki escapes from demonic bondage, or at least an attachment of some sort. Clients that come to us with Reiki in their history are normally very difficult cases.

In the professional setting you may not be able to really discuss with them these issues, but you can always pray for them. If the subject can be discussed, then perhaps you can give them a copy of the USCCB document, Guidelines For Evaluating Reiki As An Alternative Therapy.

As for a prayer for your patients, something like the following may be useful:

    Heavenly Father, I bring before You and the Lord Jesus Christ my patient who I am concerned about,  [person’s name] . I suspect that ________ may have demonic attachments or afflictions. He is in such a condition that he cannot or will not come to You for help on his own. I stand in for him in intercessory prayer before Your throne. I draw upon the Person of the Holy Spirit that He may guide me to pray in wisdom, power, and understanding.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, Sts. Benedict and Dymphna, [person’s name] Guardian Angel, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of His Name, I ask You Heavenly Father to loose  [person’s name]  from all bondage the powers of darkness may be putting upon him; and to bind all powers of darkness set on destroying his life, binding them aside in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and forbid them to work. Father, bind up all powers of   [list areas of bondage or darkness in the person's life]   that are seeking to cut ______ off from God and imprison him in a tomb of darkness; bind up all powers of delusion that may be seeking to blind [person’s name] and keep him from knowing the Truth about his bondage and the will You have for him.

I bring in prayer the focus of the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ directly upon ______ to strengthen and help him. I bring the mighty power of my Lord’s incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, Ascension, and glorification directly against all forces of darkness seeking to destroy [person’s name] . I ask the Holy Spirit to apply all of the mighty work of the Lord Jesus Christ directly against all forces of darkness seeking to destroy _____ .

I pray, heavenly Father, that You may open ______ eyes of understanding. Remove all blindness and spiritual deafness from his heart. Comfort and still all emotions and thoughts of fear and hesitation.

Believing that Your Holy Spirit is leading me, I claim ______ for You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I thank You for the answer to my prayer. Grant me the grace to be persistent and faithful in my intercessions for ______ , that You may be glorified through his deliverance. Amen.

By the way, here is a prayer to protect you and your practice against any demonic attachments or transference from your patients:

    Trusting in the promise that whatever we ask the Father in Jesus’ name He will do, I now approach You Father with confidence in Our Lord’s words and in Your infinite power and love for me, and with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, Blessed Archangel Michael, my guardian angel, with all the saints and angels of heaven, and Holy in the power of His blessed Name. I ask you Father to protect and keep me and my practice from the harassment of the devil and his minions, especially from those who may be attached to my patients.

    Father I ask that You build a hedge of protection around me, like that which surrounded Job, and to help me to keep that hedge repaired and the gate locked so that the devil and his minions have no access or means to breach the hedge except by your expressed will.

    Father, I know that I am powerless against the spiritual forces of evil and recognize my utter dependence on You and Your power. Look with mercy upon me. Do not look upon my sins, O Lord; rather, look at the sufferings of your Beloved Son and see the Victim who’s bitter passion and death has reconciled us to You. By the victory of the cross, protect me from all evil and rebuke any evil spirits who wish to attack, influence, or breach Your hedge of protection in any way. Send them back to Hell and fortify Your Hedge for my protection by the blood of Your Son, Jesus. Send your Holy Angels to watch over me and protect me.

    Father, all of these things I ask in the most holy name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Thank you, Father, for hearing my prayer. I love You, I worship You, I thank You and I trust in You. Amen.

It is not important to fret over whether or not your intuition about any patient is accurate in terms of praying for them. Pray for them whenever you have an inkling.

As for confronting the patients, remember you are not qualified to make a diagnosis of demonization nor to conduct deliverance counseling. Be very careful. You can ask gentle questions, such as, "Are you having any spiritual problems?" If someone practices Reiki you might suggest to them that such practices can be dangerous to both psychological and spiritual health.

Pray for them. If a patient is interested in spiritual counseling, then make a referral.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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