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Grave question of satanists jon Monday, September 20, 2004


Dear Br,

I not asking this question of interest, but of confirmation of my knowledge. As I am still a neophyte I am not really that of full understanding of our faith yet.

I recently came across a article from Italy by accident on a forum. There is a actual black-market for Consecrated Hosts for satanist cults there. They pay tremendous amounts for large Hosts from certain parishes depending on size and place from. I do not want to go into the reason why and what with the hosts, its just horrid.

But my question is. I thought that the Consecrated Host was the same substantial form of Christ no matter where or who it is from as long as it is of valid form. So are these cults just trophy hunting?

Peace with you and yours :-)
Big Jon

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Jon:

If the host is consecrated, it is the Real Presence of Christ no matter what parish or what priest consecrated it. The reason Satanist would want the consecrated host from particular parish or from particular priest is the symbolism of the consecrated Host coming from an important Christian place of worship or from an important priest.

Satan would get a kick out of desecrating the consecrated Host that was convected by the Pope, for example, merely because it was the Pope who convected it. In any event, it is the same Jesus who is Present in the Eucharist.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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