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Broken Rosary Kate Friday, January 7, 2011


Hello, I am writing in regards to what I should do with a blessed rosary that has become broken. This rosary is my grandfathers and it broke only a couple days ago when I was away. No one else resides at my place except a small older dog. I have been placing the rosary on my bedroom door for protection when I sleep. I follow the same routine every night and wrap the rosary around the door handle so it does not become tangled in the door and hangs a certain way on the knob and I also close this door when I leave to keep the dog out.

Well, I left this tues and know for sure I closed the door and remembered it clicking shut. When I got home the door was open with the rosary lying on the floor broken at the circle and also a wierd thing that does not make logical sense but the chain that leads to the cross has a bead which is detached from the chain and reattached by one eyelit to the chain so that two beads are in row with the one hanging to bead next to the chain as if it was taken off and put back wrong (this bead is not form the circle because I have all of them).

Why would 2 decades be better than 5? (this was brought up in a dream the first night I had the rosary in my room--I had to look up what decade meant because I am not catholic) This is not the start of my situation but it is not for the whole world to see.

Should I get rid of the thing or get it fixed and reblessed? Maybe its cursed?

Question Answered by

Dear Kate:

A blessing lasts only as long as the item blessed is intact. If the Rosary, for example, breaks and cannot be mended, once it no longer resembles a Rosary because it is dis-assembled, the bless is no longer attained.

Anytime a Rosary breaks and it cannot be repaired, or one does not wish to repair it, just de-assemble it completely and the blessing no longer exists, and then, preferably, bury the remains of the Rosary in the ground, if possible.

There is nothing significant in how the Rosary broke. Things can break is weird ways.

A normal Rosary will be either 5 decades. There are single decade Rosaries and also two decade Chaplets, but the standard Rosary will have 5 decades, or for a full rosary 15-20 decades.

If you can repair the Rosary, go ahead and do so. Otherwise, dis-assemble it completely and then dispose of it preferably by burial in ground.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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