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daughter and friends plan to summon Bill Friday, February 18, 2011


Thank you Brother for the godly work that you try to do. Brother, I am sure that you are aware of the "Bloddy Mary" legend. Briefly, my daughter and a group of her friends are planning to attempt to summon this entity at a slumber party this upcomming weekend. I would like to think that this is as silly as it seems--although I realize, as a Catholic, that there is a spiritual realm, the notion of the existence per se of an entity that floats around waiting to haunt mirrors when summoned at children's parties seems to a rational mind to be rather nonsensical. However, you have mentioned that demons are opportunists. Might a demon, who "happened to be in the area" see an opportunity there for mischief, or worse. Need I be concerned in any real way, or is this just harmless silliness. Thank you, brother, for your time

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Bill:

I am talking your question out-of-order because you did not leave an email address and left me no time to answer before the weekend. I need five days advanced notice on time-sensitive questions.

Anyway, you need to absolutely forbid your daughter and her friends from doing this conjuring. This is beyond dangerous. Demons can certainly use this as an opportunity to attach to one or more of these girls, and even to your whole household.

As the father you need to put your foot down absolutely on this. If the girls are not willing to promise not to do this, then the slumber party needs to be canceled. Even if the slumber party takes place, a close watch is needed.

This is no joke. It is not a game. These girls need to be instructed boldly on the stupidity and danger of doing any occultic practice. We have had clients who became demonized because of this sort of thing.

While I am at it, children (and adults too frankly) should not be watching these ghost-busting or ghost-whispering shows, It creates an unhealthy interest and curiosity and the shows themselves are rife with misinformation and sometimes very dangerous and stupid practices.

Tell your daughter and her friends a big ABSOLUTE NOT on pain of grounding until she is 60.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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